When I moved to Del Webb in 2000, I thought I was in Disney World. After getting settled, I heard they were planning on building a woodshop; then I knew I had died and gone to heaven.

Jim Roberts. (Photo Provided)
I didn’t know much about woodworking, but this was my perfect opportunity. A group of fellows started meeting in the Art room at Prairie Lodge. Shortly after moving in, Jim Roberts joined them.
The Shop opened in 2003. The plans were [that] we all had to take classes before using any of the tools, so the founding fathers planned the classes and started the training, and Jim Roberts was to teach the Lathe. I was to be in his class. I almost said, “Excuse me, please, what is a Lathe?” Sure I had a father, three brothers, and two sons, but I never had a Lathe. I did what I was told to do and how I was to do it. I made a shiny new pen, and Jim said it was perfect.
I still have my pen, along with all the other things he taught me. (What is a CHOP SAW??? Who ever heard of a DRUM SANDER???) It didn’t take long, and Jim moved up to President of the club, and I was asked to be his secretary, so my training continued. After our monthly meeting, I went to the Roberts’ home to go over the tool and woodworking terminology I was not familiar with. I’ll miss Jim. We all will. He was patient, giving, friendly, had a big smile. I am happy to have known him and his dear wife Pam.