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Proudly Serving the Community of
Sun City in Huntley

2012 board elects talk transparency

By Chris La Pelusa

SUN CITY – Despite reports of low-voter turnout, the October 2011 Community Association Board of Directors election was said, by some, to be the most anticipated election in its history. Controversial, trust, and transparency issues made the campaign trail a slippery slope to say the least, but three of the seven candidates caught traction and come January will walk onto a governing board in hopes to help renew community-board communication and establish a new officiating platform. It’s a big job, but governing board elects Jerry Kirschner, Bonnie Bayser, and board first-timer Linda Davis say they’re ready for the task.

Ladies first

Now Linda

“The tenor [of the board’s makeup] is different now,” Davis said. “One of the most important issues [we’re facing] is how to bring back respect and trust between the board and community. I think we lost that a little bit this year, and I’d really like to see that back again.”

Davis noted that during the campaign the seven candidates agreed that there needed to be more transparency on the board’s behalf.

“Big issues that are going to affect the entire community, let’s put it out there, let’s find out what [residents’] opinions are,” Davis said. “I have a feeling that we’ll be able to push that through and be more open than we ever have been before.”

Davis also believes that having two female board members may offer a healthy balance to the standard male-dominant makeup of the board in previous years.

“I think we [Bonnie and I] bring a different focus to the board. Hopefully it will be to go out into the community and give a different face to the community. We look out into the community … we see people.”

Now Bonnie

“I think we need more open communication. I think we need more input,” said Bayser, who pointed out that the board is already making attempts in that direction by releasing agendas to the public the Friday before regular board meetings.

Postings under the New Item List will now be open for discussion by the three representatives of each neighborhood during the meeting, when the topics arise.

“We’re beginning to add more communication and openness already, and I think we have to carry that a little bit further,” Bayser said. “I strive to bring back respect and trust between the Board, management, and residents of the community.”

Bayser also sees that more respect and communication is necessary between the residents, board, and staff of the Sun City community.

“I hear people say that the board has a right to [make decisions]. Yes, the board has a right to do that, but it’s how you exercise that right that’s important. It’s the ‘how’ I think we need to focus a little more on. We’ve got an opportunity for improvement in that area, the interpersonal skills and relationships on how you implement things and how you communicate those implementations.”

No stranger to the board, Bayser was appointed as an interim member after Jerry Kirschner’s resignation following the issues that arose when Christ Community Church was granted permission to operate services on Sun City property.

Bayser said that the several months she acted on the board prepared her for taking full occupancy as a newly appointed member.

Kirschner’s comeback

Now Jerry

In April, Kirschner resigned from the board, stating in his resignation letter, “With the seating of the new board in 2011, I had expectations of better and greater communication between the board members, residents, and improvement with regard to the lack of transparency that prevailed in the past.”

Come January 2012, Kirscner’s back on the board. So what changed?

For starters, with new faces, the construct is different. But Kirschner mainly pointed out his experience with all the members and his long-time and well-developed working relationships with each member, either on previous governing boards or other community committees. He feels that the 2012 board will operate on the same page.

“I’m not [working] with strangers. These are all people I know and respect,” Kirschner said.

Kirschner also believes that everyone working on the same page means bridging any gaps between residents, board, and Wentworth Management staff.

“There are people that work for Wentworth that feel that they work for Wentworth and not for the people that live here. Well, technically, that is true. But [informally] they work for the people that live here. And sometimes there’s an attitude that they don’t have to report to the people here.”

Kirschner feels that this disjointed condition can be taken care of with “a simple conversation.”

“There is nothing that cannot be accomplished with a quiet conversation and explanation,” said Kirschner.

It’s Kirschner’s open mindedness, willingness to talk, and approachability he feels helped get him elected (or reelected) to the board. Kirschner is also a proponent of treating everyone how he’d like to be treated and intends on employing that mentality in his new seat.

“Everyone is a resident. Everyone should have the residents in mind and should do what they feel the residents would like to have in this community. There are always times when some people are looking for one thing and other people are looking for something else. But the one thing I look for is to represent the people that live here.”

Although not directly asked by the Sun Day, it’s safe to say that Bonnie Bayser and Linda Davis agree.

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