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Sun City in Huntley

Railroad Club Sets 2011 Holiday Display

By My Sunday News

Railroad Club Sets 2011 Holiday Display

The Kishwaukee Valley-Eakin Creek Model Railroad Club of Sun City has announced the running dates for this year’s Holiday Display. Trains will run in the Prairie Lodge Social Lounge from Friday November 25 through Thursday December 29.

Weekday running times are 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Weekend running times are 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Please note, Prairie Lodge will have shortened hours on Christmas Eve Saturday, December 24 and will be closed Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25. Please check our website for operating hours on that date. As in years past, the club will sponsor a raffle for three trains. This year’s raffle offers a Ski Train from the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad (O gauge) with the drawing held on Friday, December 23 at 3 p.m. Winners need not be present.

The club also announced their second annual special evening featuring Great Passenger Trains of the World. From 4-7 p.m. Wednesday, December 7, members of the club will operate a special exhibit of signature trains of the Great Trains Era. Join with members as they go back in time and operate scale models of the beautiful trains of the 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s and relive memories of classic rail travel. Watch these classic trains run in various scales, have a cup of coffee or hot chocolate with us, and remember when it all happened in those glory days of rail travel.

To help make the evening even more special, we are partnering with members of the Marlowe Middle School Choir who will perform a special Holiday Concert 5–5:45 p.m. And finally, wrapping up the evening will be Sun City’s own Jim Sura playing some select holiday tunes on the piano starting at 6 p.m. So take a break from the busy holiday season and join The Kishwaukee Valley-Eakin Creek Model Railroad Club for a nostalgic look back at a more tranquil time.

The Railroad Club is proud to sponsor this Holiday tradition and invite all Sun City residents, their family and friends, as well as residents of neighboring communities to this annual tradition. For further information call Rail Road Club message center at 847-669-2392 or visit the website at SCCAH.com

Sun Day

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