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Proudly Serving the Community of
Sun City in Huntley

Giving back has good rewards

By Joanie Koplos

Yes, Sun City, there is a Santa Claus! He exists in the “spirit of giving” not only during the holidays but all year round. Monetary donations to charity are always appreciated by the recipients. The GIFT OF YOUR TIME is also highly regarded by those in need of it. Seniors can enrich their lives through VOLUNTEERING and aid their health at the same time. Give yourself that “helper’s high!”

Do good and feel better! A 2007 report, “Health Benefits of Volunteering: A Review of Recent Research,” documents major findings from more than 30 rigorous studies that reviewed the relationship between health and volunteering, with particular emphasis on studies that seek to determine the causal connection between the two. The studies found that volunteering leads to improved physical and mental health, with volunteers showing greater longevity, higher functional ability, lower rates of depression, and less incidence of heart disease. Two studies found that by volunteering about 100 hours a year, or about two hours a week, individuals generally reached the threshold where they enjoyed significant health benefits.

Richard Johnson, a 75-year-old Schaumburg resident, states it this way:

“I have been volunteering for 14 years, since my forced retirement (health issues) gave me extra hours of free time. I was looking for a more meaningful life. I absolutely love what I do!”

Rich volunteers at Elk Grove’s Alexian Brothers Hospital, where he had a multitude of jobs to choose from. He finally chose to work in the Mail Room, where he sorts mail and delivers it to the hospital’s many offices. This has been quite a change from his career of being a die repairman.

When asked why he looks forward to going to “work” for 4 hours each Wednesday, he continues, “They [the other volunteers] are a great group of people. We all get to the hospital early and never stop laughing once we’re there!”

Not only is Mr. Johnson increasing his social contacts, but he finds that his mind is stimulated by having learned something new to do.

He adds, “Alexian Brothers will train volunteers as long as it takes for them to learn their new jobs.”

Richard concludes by mentioning that he gets his exercise by walking the long hallways when he is at the hospital.

So whether you choose to volunteer in a field totally unrelated to your past occupation or you choose to mentor using your own talents and career expertise – please do consider volunteering for your health’s sake and your community’s gain.

The Corporation of National Community Service (published the above mentioned review) offers programs called Sr. Corps. If looking for tutoring and mentoring opportunities, consider Experience Corps offered by Civic Ventures. Seniors can also mentor with Goodwill, where 30% of youth mentors are over 55.

Volunteers are needed for church, social, civic, cultural, educational, health care, political, and community intergenerational programs. A few local organizations that would appreciate your GIFT OF TIME are listed here: (1) Centegra and Sherman Hospitals, (2) Huntley Food Pantry, (3) McHenry’s Pioneer Center (PADS program for the homeless, VOICE for sexual assault, among other programs offered), (3) Meals on Wheels for homebound seniors, (4) Local animal shelters in Crystal Lake, Huntley and Elgin/Pet Therapy Programs also, (5) Bloomingdale and Geneva’s Marklund Children’s Home, (6) Hospice organizations, (7) Docents for local museums, and (8) Local community volunteers. For more information on volunteer positions, please check out the Huntley Library. You may Google “Senior Volunteering” on the Internet. Also check out

Everyone can volunteer! Disabled seniors may work from their own homes and enrich their own lives by making arts and crafts for those less fortunate or be used as valuables for fund raising. Phone and computer forms of communication can also be done by those who have limited mobility. E-mail or phone calls may aid another “senior needing a friend” or a “teenager in crisis” or an “abused woman asking for guidance.” Indeed, the “spirit of giving” is alive and well in one Sun City neighborhood, where collectively its residents are providing transportation for a neighbor in need of it. Whether you are 55 years old, 75 years old, or 95 years old, please give back to your “fellow man” now and throughout 2012.

You’ll be improving your own quality of life as you volunteer!

Happy Holidays!

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