On Friday, Dec. 23, the Railroad Club of Sun City held their drawing for three Rio Grande Ski Trains. The winners are:
Caesar Baldacci, a Sun City resident who will give the train set to his grandson; Elsa Dobbeck, a Sun City resident who will give the train set to her great grandchildren and Jacob Smetters, grandson of Bob Mede, Sun City resident.
Each winner received a complete operating train set including track, transformer, engine and cars.
This year’s display, another successful event sponsored by the train club, had hundreds of youngsters and adults stop by to see the layouts and we would like to sincerely thank all those who purchased raffle tickets or simply stopped by to visit and say ‘hi.’
Our members truly enjoy running the trains and seeing the looks on the kids’ faces whether they are six or 60.
We ask all our friends and neighbors to “save the date” of May 20 when we will sponsor our annual Spring Open House.
Stay warm, stay safe and we will see you in the spring.