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Sun City in Huntley

Hang your Hat: February 23, 2012

By My Sunday News

Endorsement announcement

On Feb. 9, in an article titled “The cure for primary fever: thinking locally, we agree! We voters need to get involved in the primary elections and support candidates who will advocate policies that change the direction of our state.

The Huntley Tea Party is a non-partisan group of concerned citizens, part of a national network of Americans dedicated to core principles of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets. We support policies that lead to balanced budgets, smaller government, job creation in the private sector, less regulation, and a reduction of national debt to relieve the burden of the next generation.

As a coalition of citizens, we are committed to actively advocating and promoting policies at federal, state, and local levels consistent with our core principles. It’s all about policies, not politics.

The Huntley Tea Party is pleased to endorse the following local candidates, our fellow citizens who have demonstrated commitment to Tea Party principles:

County Board:
Chris Lauzen, Kane Co Board Chairman
Diane Evertsen and Ersel Schuster, McHenry Co Board District 6
T.R. Smith, Kane Co Board District 9

County Offices:
Thomas Hartwell, Kane Co Circuit Clerk
Terry Hunt, Kane Co Auditor
Dr. Bob Tiballi, Kane Co Coroner

IL State Senate:
Cliff Surges, IL Senate, 33rd district

Candidates committed to core principles are vital to helping Illinois change direction, find solutions to the budget and other crises we face at all levels, and restore our state as a great place to live and work. We also want to thank the many hundreds of state and local officials for their service to our community.

Get to the polls and vote in the primary elections on March 20!

Huntley Tea Party

Newspaper error

The Feb. 9 issue of the Sun Day presents a lapse in editorial judgment. An article signed by somebody called “HSPA,” instead of a personal name, starts off by announcing the nomination forum for the 14th Congressional District. Fine so far.

But then it swerves into partisan politics by phrases that encourage readers to work in the eighth District to oppose right wing candidates, volunteer to help Democratic candidates, work to provide a Congress that will work with President Obama and not one that opposes his every attempt to address the problems effectively.

The above paraphrased comments are legitimate political opinions and exhortations but they do not belong in a news article. If they had been presented in a letter to the editor or even in the “You’re Invited” section of the Sun Day, they would have been perfectly reasonable submissions.

I do not believe the Sun Day staff is guilty of bias, but rather that they slipped up this time. I trust that increased vigilance on the editor’s part will prevent views from either end of the political spectrum finding room as news in the pages of our Sun Day.

Herm Faubl

Sun City

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