We should be very careful using a credit card to pay for merchandise on the internet. One way help us do this is through PayPal, a service that enables you to pay for products and services purchased on many internet shopping sites, as well as send money to others and accept payments for items you sell on eBay or on other websites–all without revealing your financial information. To sign up, you provide some contact information. After which, you receive an email from PayPal asking you to activate your account. You give them your credit card one time over an encrypted line and need not pull out your credit card again.
Buying with PayPal â Most major suppliers accept and work well with PayPal. Itâs fast, easy to use, and provides online security and protection. PayPal acts like a digital wallet where you can securely store all your payment options, such as your bank account and credit card. When you want to make a payment, you don’t have to use your credit card or type your billing info every time.
While shopping online, simply click on the PayPal checkout button, log in to your PayPal account, and select your preferred payment method. PayPal will complete the payment process without sharing your info with merchants and sellers.
With PayPal, your financial info and purchases are better protected. You save time shopping online and sending money. And you get more ways to cover your payments.
When you sign up for PayPal, you will be asked to link your choice of bank account, debit card, or credit card so that your payments can be funded. This information is never shared with retailers. In fact, it’s securely protected by data encryption technology, reducing the risk of online fraud and identity theft. PayPal constantly monitors transactions for suspicious activity and alerts a customer as soon as a problem is detected.
When you pay using PayPal, âPurchase Protectionâ coverage is included at no extra cost. Buyers are offered $0 Liability for Unauthorized Purchases, refunds for incorrect orders or items that never arrive, and a convenient process for resolving problems.
Sending Money with PayPal â Sending money with PayPal is easier than running to the ATM or writing checks. All you need to send money is the recipient’s email address or mobile number. The recipient gets an email or text notification. To withdraw the money, they log in to PayPal or sign up in minutes. Recipients in the US can withdraw the money by choice: spending it online, transferring it to a bank, requesting a check, or using a PayPal Debit Card.
Selling with PayPal â Millions of people use PayPal to accept payments for items they sell on eBay and other websites. If you are a US PayPal account holder and your transaction is deemed eligible, PayPal covers a seller in the event of an unauthorized purchase, an âitem not receivedâ claim, or a reversal.
The âSeller Protectionâ program also helps cover eligible sales when you follow the commonsense tips and requirements. It’s usually as easy as shipping to the right address and saving a few shipping documents to take advantage of this built-in benefit. Opening a PayPal account is free and easy. Choose from three PayPal account typesâPersonal, Premier, and Businessâand enter an email address, password, and a few more details. PayPal is free whenever you use it to buy something. The seller pays a small fee to securely handle your payment. As a buyer, you never pay a fee to use PayPal.
All of this information and more is available at www.paypal.com, or stop in at the Computer Club lab in Prairie Lodge during open hours (listed in Lifestyles) and ask for assistance.