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Why do we shop where we shop?

By Don Grady

While sitting at the table last Sunday morning during breakfast, I browsed through the stack of ads for sales at various retail establishments. I didn’t really have any specific item or product in mind. I just flipped through page after page until something caught my eye. This is a ritual that I have performed faithfully every Sunday morning for years. I have my favorite stores for hardware, food, electronics, office supplies, clothing, etc.

Out of the blue a question popped in my head. Why do we shop where we shop? When did my favorites become favorites, and why? Well, of course, it must be the price, right? Hmmmm. This became the discussion for breakfast. I asked Sue why she shops where she shops. The answer was not what I expected: it depends.

For some things it is price (especially when I shop online), but for others, it might be the quality, availability of a specific product, variety of different brands, close proximity, convenience or self-service, familiarity of the store layout, recommendations from neighbors, accessibility (quick in and out, or assistance for the disabled), availability and friendliness of sales clerks, or cleanliness of the establishment. What I thought would be a very short answer led to a lengthy conversation.

I began to question my traditional shopping habits. Sue was right. It depends on what I am shopping for. I am typically not the type that likes to go “window” shopping other than flipping through the papers. When I leave the house to go shopping, I have a list and a place in mind. When I get to the store, I walk in and go right to where I know the item is. I grab it and then go to check out. Sue, on the other hand, likes to check out the sales and browse the aisles. However, if I join her, something may not have been on the shopping list but may find its way into the basket.

Sue and I are originally from the northeast. We love Manhattan clam chowder – the red, not the white chowder. The only place we can find it is at Target on Randall road in South Elgin. When we lived in Geneva, we fell in love with the lamb patties at Blue Goose market in St. Charles. When we moved here, we would still go back to Blue Goose for the lamb patties (yes, even with the gas prices). But recently, we found ground lamb at Jewel. So now we make our own. Why do I go to Ace Hardware instead of Home Depot or Menards? Because I can find a sales clerk who knows what I need to fix that leaky faucet or bad valve on the toilet. The higher price is worth the added service. What influences you to shop where you shop?

Keep those letters coming, folks. Send your questions and ideas to: The Frugal Forum, P.O. Box 693, Huntley, IL 60142, or, by email to: thefrugalforum@gmail.com.

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