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Proudly Serving the Community of
Sun City in Huntley

Political Place: October 11, 2012

By My Sunday News

Huntley Seniors for Progressive Action

Time to Get to Work

We are closing in on what is a very important election. Huntley Seniors for Progressive Action has held its last regular general meeting but is calling on all those who have attended our meetings and become a ‘member’ of HSPA to keep active in supporting the Democratic ticket. It is time to commit to voting for and helping get out other voters to vote for the progressive candidates. Don’t let the ‘right wingers’ damage Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Women’s rights. Get to work getting our friends to the polls.

To help our neighbors get to the polls, HSPA reminds them that there is early voting. The polls will be open:

Early Voting – Kane County Residents
Prairie Lodge
October 29 – October 31, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Early Voting – McHenry County Grafton Township Residents
Huntley Park District, 12015 Mill Street

October 22 – November 3
Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

October 27 and November 3
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

HSPA will also be providing some assistance on November 6 by driving voters to the polls in Hampshire and Huntley. More details next week.

The last day for regular registration was October 9. If you haven’t registered by now, there is grace period registration at the County Clerk’s office from October 10th through November 3. If you register to vote during the grace period and want to vote in the upcoming election, you must vote at the time of registration.

So, HSPA is now focused helping the campaigns and getting out the vote, whether by making calls, going door to door, driving voters to the polls on election day, or otherwise. Getting out the vote is important. Democrats can take back the House, but it’ll be close and every seat matters.

Getting our local Democratic candidates elected may be decided by only a few votes and make a big difference in Washington.

We have the momentum. We need to keep it going.

Thank you for everything you do.

Pledge to vote this year, and then get your friends and family to do the same.

David Williams
Communications Team

We need death panels?

This issue likely won’t be in any major Illinois paper or on any major Illinois TV station for obvious political reasons. I would be surprised if this letter appears in the Sun Day. The issue is a quite hot topic on a multitude of Internet papers, such as WND.com and others.

I am not advocating you believe or disbelieve or how you should vote. However, every voter should ignore the politicians and their ilk, whether you are democrat, republican, independent, socialist, communist or whatever and think for yourself on what you personally think is the right thing to do for you, your family and for America. Repeating: for you, your family and America.

This is a critical election coming up and voters should think for themselves in studying the issues and not be brainwashed by any political party, whichever it may be, nor their promises and guarantees that always seem to disappear soon after they are elected.

What is decided on November 6 this year will likely set the stage for the next 20 or more years. There will be no chance for a redo soon, unlikely in a senior’s remaining lifetime.

A top Democrat strategist and donor who served as President Obama’s lead auto-industry adviser recently conceded that the rationing of health services under Obamacare is “inevitable.”

Steven Rattner advocated that such rationing should target elderly patients, while stating, “We need death panels.”

Rattner serves on the board the New America Foundation, or NAF, a George Soros-funded think tank that was instrumental in supporting Obamacare in 2010. Soros’ son, financier Jonathan Soros, is also a member of the foundation’s board.

Rattner was the so-called “car czar,” the lead auto adviser to the Treasury Department under Obama.

Last month, Rattner penned an opinion piece in the New York Times titled “Beyond Obamacare” in which he proclaimed “We need death panels” and argued rationing must be instructed to sustain Obama’s health-care plan.

His comments have been virtually ignored by traditional media as the president campaigns for a second term.

“We need death panels,” began Rattner. “Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health-care resources more prudently – rationing, by its proper name – the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.”

Continued Rattner: “But in the pantheon of toxic issues – the famous ‘third rail’ of American politics – none stands taller than overtly acknowledging that elderly Americans are not entitled to every conceivable medical procedure or pharmaceutical.”

The above quotes were excerpted from the WND.com review of the New York Times article. Maybe, just maybe, Sarah Palin was correct in her dire warnings on death panels four years ago?

Anyway, as a senior, you need to see and decide for yourself in the link below to the column referenced above. And if you think it doesn’t matter to you because you’re not a senior and therefore don’t care? Most likely, you younger folks will be a senior one day. Think about it.

But, whichever way you decide, remember that it is your decision and your vote and not anybody else’s.

The link follows: www.nytimes.com/2012/09/17/opinion/health-care-reform-beyond-obamacare.html?_r=2&

Kenneth D. Kalitowski
Neighborhood 21

When did the liberals change their name to progressive action communications team? Just wondering. One more question, who is paying for the 16 million ‘Obama’ phones? Obama himself or the tax payers?

Marion LaPierre
Sun City

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