Since we have talked much about statin drugs, I am going to recommend a book entitled “Lipitor, Thief of Memory: Statin Drugs and the Misguided War on Cholesterol” by Duane Graveline, M.D. Dr. Graveline is a former astronaut, aerospace medical research scientist, flight surgeon, and family doctor. He experienced memory loss from taking Lipitor and has much to say.
My favorite website and the one where I get most of my information is Dr. Joseph Mercola’s, Read about him and then subscribe to his daily messages. He left his medical practice to reach more people for health.
Another source I have used is the Health Alert newsletter by Dr. Bruce West. Go to the web to learn about who he is and about his newsletter, which is excellent. Instead of using the web phone number, use 800-231-8063. A subscription of his newsletter for one year is $39, and you receive “The Encyclopedia of Pragmatic & Holistic Medicine” free. After reading, if you need assistance on a program, he will set you up free of charge. Because of the distance, time factor, and no contact with him personally, I recommend the following:
First, take my classes and learn what to and what not to eat. It is a free eight-hour class spread over four weeks. I will be offering it again next summer. Watch for details. In the meantime, make an appointment with Dr. Christopher Ivers, chiropractor, at 1024 McHenry Ave. in Crystal Lake. His phone number is 815-455-1919. Get a spinal analysis and ask for a nutritional consultation by filling out several pages on your condition. He uses the same Standard Process whole food supplements that Dr. West uses.
I hope the information I have shared has been helpful to you.
Next series: Is salt good or bad for your health?