• Keep your floors free of clutter and tripping hazards. Arrange furniture to provide open walking pathways.
• Keep your living areas well lit. Install nightlights in bedrooms, bathrooms, and hallways.
• Install handrails on both sides of all stairways.
• Stay off freshly mopped floors.
• Remove small throw rugs or use nonskid mats to keep them from slipping.
• Maintain a healthy self-confidence by staying active and exercising regularly.
• Engage in exercise appropriate to your physical condition to strengthen your muscles and increase your flexibility and balance.
• Help slow bone loss with mild weight-bearing exercise, such as walking or water aerobics.
• If you use a walker, a cane, or any other medical device to assist you in moving about, have it properly sized and fitted by a qualified medical professional. Have that medical professional instruct you on the proper use of the device.
• Have your vision tested at least once a year.
• Wear good fitting sturdy shoes with nonskid soles.
• Replace slippers that are stretched out or loose.
• Protect yourself by being alert to your environment and eliminating hazards that might cause falls.
Marilyn Gillis writes this column in collaboration with Sun City’s Neighborhood Watch/Neighbors Helping Neighbors Committee