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Sun City in Huntley

Political Place 10/24/13

By My Sunday News

Political Place

The views and opinions expressed in Political Place do not necessarily reflect the views of the Sun Day or its staff. The section is meant to offer readers a chance to express their thoughts on political issues.

The 2nd Amendment and self defense in Illinois – shoot or don’t shoot?
Many of us may think that the Illinois Concealed Carry License will be a panacea. Nothing could be further than the truth. Illinois already has a governmental policy against citizens lawfully possessing and using firearms. Our legislators focus on making the laws stricter and more costly for the lawful gun owner instead of focusing on the real problems … such as stolen firearms, serious mental illness, and gang-related crimes.
when a homeowner does use his or her firearm to defend their life, protect their family or their home, they are cast as the “bad guy.” Does Illinois allow “stand your ground?” Is there a duty to retreat? When can I legally shoot to protect myself or my family? Where can I lawfully carry my firearms without fear of arrest? As usual, Illinois law is unclear.
Huntley Area Tea Party will meet Wednesday, Oct. 16 at the Huntley Park District; program begins at 7 p.m. Our guest speaker is Jerry Novak, attorney at law, licensed private detective, NRA certified firearms instructor, IL licensed firearms instructor, member of the International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors.
Please join us for this timely and most informative presentation. Attorney Jerry Novak will introduce you to the Pandora’s Box of Illinois law and give you a better idea what you can do to protect yourself from your government and their idea of what is right and wrong!
Jim Nelson
Huntley Area Tea Party


How sad is it that even on an issue like the elimination of hunger, Randy Hultgren acts according to his own interests?
For those of us who are concerned about hunger and poverty in this country, we are ashamed of our Representative Hultgren’s recent vote to eliminate 40 billion dollars of funding for SNAP. There is certain meanness in passing budgets that ask nothing of the big corporations who pay poverty wages while simultaneously taking from those who have little or nothing.
I feel like Mr. Hultgren really has it in for the poor. Wouldn’t a more humane way to cut food assistance spending be to raise the minimum wage so no one who works full-time lives in poverty? Economists seem to think so, but Mr. Hultgren voted against increasing the minimum wage.
That there is any controversy at all is because there exists on the right an extremely radical and vociferous minority that seems to be obsessed with the idea that someone out there is getting something that they don’t deserve and that someone is almost invariably on the lowest rungs of the economic ladder.
Jess Chipkin
Neighborhood 22


We have had the longest recession in history. Only 62 percent of the population of work age are employed. When you look at the percent of the current cabinet who has had any real business experience, it is not a stretch to understand.
The private business sector is a real-life business, not a government job. Here are the percentages of each past president’s cabinet, who worked in the private business sector prior to their appointment to the cabinet.
T. Roosevelt (R)………………………………….. 38
Taft (R)……………………………………………… 40
Wilson (D)…………………………………………. 52
Harding (R)………………………………………… 49
Coolidge (R)………………………………………. 48
Hoover (R)…………………………………………. 42
F. Roosevelt (D)………………………………….. 50
Truman (D)………………………………………… 50
Eisenhower (R)…………………………………… 57
Kennedy (D)………………………………………. 30
Johnson(D)………………………………………… 47
Nixon (R)…………………………………………… 53
Ford (R)…………………………………………….. 42
Carter (D)…………………………………………… 32
Reagan(R)………………………………………….. 56
G H Bush (R)……………………………………… 51
Clinton (D)………………………………………… 39
G W Bush (R)……………………………………. 55
Obama (D)………………………………………….. 8
This helps to explain the incompetence of this administration:
Only eight percent of them have ever worked in private business!
That’s right! Only eight percent – the least, by far, of the last 19 presidents! And these people are trying to tell our businessmen and women how to run their businesses.
How can the president of a major nation and society, the one
with the most successful economic system in world history, stand and talk about business, when they’ve never worked for one? Or about jobs when they have never really had one? And when it’s the same for 92 percent of his senior staff and closest advisers? They’ve spent most of their time in academia, government and/or non-profit jobs or as “community organizers.”
Wilton Jere Tidwell
Sun City resident


The United States is the only industrialized nation in the world that does not provide healthcare for its citizens. We have enough money for guns and weaponry to blow up the entire planet but nothing for so many dying because they can’t afford healthcare. The richest country in the world.
Ever since Obama took office, Republicans’ sole mission is to destroy him. Now they are spending billions on destroying his healthcare law – Obamacare – with scare tactics like saying there will be death panels, and you won’t be able to choose your own doctor. Distorting the truth and boldly lying like saying Americans don’t want this: they forget there was an election and people voted for him and his policies, including Obamacare. The American people and all three branches of government, including congress and the Supreme Court, approved this law.
The latest is the threat by Republicans in congress to shut down the government by not paying its bills, which they have incurred, if Obama does not agree to defund the Obamacare law. This type of extortion and obstructionism is unacceptable in a democracy.
Contrary to Republican lies, this law will save money. When everyone has insurance, the pool will be larger, there will be more competition between insurance companies, and people will stop going to emergency rooms that government pays for. Also if someone gets a catastrophic illness, insurance companies will not be able to refuse them insurance or drop them if they already have insurance. Children can now remain on their parents’ health insurance until the age of 26. Who could be against this?
I find the destructive actions of Republicans unconscionable, un-American, and un-Christian.
Cecile Powell
Sun City resident

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