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Sun City in Huntley

Political Place 12/19/13

By My Sunday News

Political Place
The views and opinions expressed in Political Place do not necessarily reflect the views of the Sun Day or its staff. The section is meant to offer readers a chance to express their thoughts on political issues.

Response to Wilton Jere Tidwell
Since Wilton Jere Tidwell is commenting on all my letters, I feel compelled to comment on his response, since they are all wrong.

First he wrote: ā€œRepublicans had nothing to do with Obamacare.ā€

Obama intentionally based his healthcare law on previous Republican plans to assure its passage. The ACA was based on the Nixon plan of 1974, Romneycare in Massachusetts, and ideas from the Heritage Foundation Republican think tank. Obama didnā€™t think a single payer system would pass. The GOP in congress voted 48 times to repeal Obamacare, wasting millions of taxpayer dollars, and have done everything they can to defund, obstruct, and sabotage this law simply because itā€™s an achievement of Obama, and they will do anything to prevent him from succeeding, even if it means denying millions of poor people health care. However, as of this date, 8 million more Americans have healthcare.

Second he wrote: ā€œWhen Obamacare is up and running, there will be more uninsured people than when it started, and the cost will be 35 percent more.ā€
Wrong again. Seniors and disabled are already saving on prescription drugs and will eventually save the country billions because people will stop going to emergency rooms. This is complicated legislation that takes time to perfect. Social Security was established by FDR in 1935, but the first check was not issued until 1940 ā€“ five years later. The Congressional vote: Senate – 16 Republicans and 60 Democrats voted yes – the House – 81 Republicans and 284 Democrats voted yes according to the government website: ssa.gov/history/tally.html

Third he wrote: ā€œRepublicans helped pass Medicare.ā€

Not by much. In the Senate, 13 Republicans and 57 Democrats voted yes. In the House, Republicans 70 and Democrats 237 voted yes (ssa.gov/history/tally65.html). We would not have Social Security or Medicare if not for Democrats. They initiated these plans ā€“ Republican votes were last minute cave – in votes.

Most Republicans were strongly against Medicare: In 1961, Ronald Reagan said, ā€œif you donā€™t stop Medicare, and I donā€™t do it, one of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our childrenā€™s children what it once was like in America when men were free.ā€ G.H.W. Bush described Medicare in 1964 as ā€œsocialized medicine.ā€ In 1965, Bob Dole bragged that he was one of 12 House members who voted against creating Medicare, saying, ā€œI was there, fighting the fight, voting against Medicare because we knew it wouldnā€™t work.ā€ Well it does work and years from now the GOP will be trying to take credit for the ACA like they are trying to take credit for SS and Medicare now. They will stop calling it Obamacare and will be bragging about how it was based on Republican plans.

You can have your own opinion but not your own facts.

Cecile Powell
Sun City resident


A Secret Trade Deal
A secret trade deal has been in the works for four years now. Over 600 corporate lobbyists have had daily input into the “agreement” between 11 other countries. Our Congress has had no input, no oversight, and no ability to protect the publicā€™s interests or rights. Iā€™m referring to the TPP, Trans Pacific Partnership. This trade deal will literally rewrite trade policies and affect every aspect of our lives.

Google: Trans Pacific Partnership

Why the secrecy? If exposed, it would be extremely unpopular.

Corporate lobbyists want to bypass the Constitution, bypass Congress by granting fast-track trade approval authority to ratify this agreement to the President.

Here is what is at stake: If the TPP passes, we can expect off-shoring of millions of American jobs, no oversight of ā€œbankstersā€ worldwide, it will undermine workers’ rights and wages, undermine our environmental laws, food safety and health standards, decrease access to medicines worldwide, and, the kicker, foreign corporations can sue governments for ā€œlost profitsā€ that they suffer.

This is not about trade: itā€™s a corporate giveaway, and it threatens our democracy.

If you value regulation on fracking and other environmental concerns, foods free of contaminates, risking factories moving to low-wage nations, protections against higher drug pricing due to patent monopolies, decent wages, then call your member of Congress at 202-224-3121. Tell them to vote ā€œnoā€ on the TPP. Donā€™t let them trade away our future!

“Of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations are cannibalizing our economy, laws, and Constitution … and defining our futures and that of our children and grandchildren.”

Joni Lindgren
Edgewater resident

Huntley Area Tea Party Luncheon Meeting
Wednesday, Feb. 5
Time change to 1 p.m. for lower price
Location: Golden Corral
1591 S. Randall Rd., Algonquin, IL.
Voting integrity and what you can do
There’s more to think about than choosing a candidate for whom you wish to vote!

Keeping the election system honest depends on your knowledge and involvement. Please join us for a discussion with Evert Evertsen on the pitfalls of early voting and provisional voting and the importance of primary elections.

An election judge and former Township Supervisor, Evert has done pollwatcher and election judge training classes across Illinois for individuals and organizations, including the Huntley Area Tea Party. Join Evert as he shares some interesting points and perspectives.

While all of us have heard of concerns for the integrity of our election process, let’s get together to discuss some of the potential pitfalls.
Huntley Area Tea Party


This is an invitation to all Sun City residents to come to and participate in the Democratic Primary Forum 6:30 p.m. Feb. 11 at Drendel Ballroom in Prairie Lodge. It is a good opportunity to meet and ask questions of 14th Congressional District Candidate Dennis Anderson. Dennis offers residents of the 14th District the opportunity to support a candidate committed to better government and the interests of average Americans. Other candidates are scheduled to appear at the forum as well. So mark your calendars and come out to meet Dennis, who will work for you, not big corporations, once elected.
And, plan to vote for him in the March Primary and again in November.

Huntley Seniors for Progressive Action

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