Our Ask An Angel correspondent is Arlene Petersen, Certified Senior Advisor and Life Care Navigation Specialist in the area of senior home care.
Q: My father refuses to turn his air conditioning on during the hot weather. I truly worry about him. Can you offer any suggestions on how to approach this?
A. It seems like we were waiting so long for warmer temps, and now that they are here, we do need to be careful when they hit dangerous levels. I am very aware that our senior population can sometimes be at risk, especially when they don’t use their air conditioning. We know this is very dangerous, especially when warnings are broadcasted over the news and radio. You didn’t mention if your father has any health issues, but the heat can definitely affect many systems in the body. Start with a visit, especially during the extreme temperatures. It can be a social visit, of course, but it can also serve as a wellness visit. This might be a good opportunity to talk about weather safety over a cool glass of lemonade. Some suggestions to consider are to make sure he wears cool, comfortable clothing, that he stays well hydrated, eats properly, and keeps the windows covered to keep the sun from heating up the house. Seniors sometimes feel cold and may not be as sensitive to the heat as we are. That does not mean they may not feel the effects of the heat. Since air conditioner use is an issue, consider talking about setting the thermostat at a reasonable level, just to take the bite out of the extreme temperatures. Check with his doctor, especially when it comes to medication and heat. Remember, a family doctor can be your best ally when it comes to topics like this. All in all, make sure you check in regularly, and do it all with his safety in mind.
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