(Photo provided)
World War II veteran, Gerald Stark of Hampshire, was recently interviewed in his home by Dan Olmsted, the historian and curator of the National WW II Museum located in New Orleans, www.nationalww2museum.org.
Part of the 71st Liaison Squad of the 10th Army Air Force, Sgt. Stark served as a driver and mechanic in the motor pool in India, Burma and China.
During a stay in Calcutta, he contracted malaria, which periodically bothered him for years. He and his squad traveled the Burma Road from India to China and a thousand miles beyond ending up in Luzhou, where they remained until the end of the war. Olmsted’s video-tape of Stark’s memories will be placed in the museum’s oral history archive.
Other WW II veterans willing to be interviewed are invited to phone toll free 877-813-3329 ext. 435 or email: dan.olmsted@nationalww2museum.org.