The following are corrections to articles in the Nov. 6 edition of the Sun Day:
>> About the outsource of accounting operations being unusual: This reference is unusual for Sun City or in General as the Association does this function quiet often with the management companies they hire.
>> Gaydeane Feggestad was not the new Finance Director as that position was eliminated some time ago; she was the Assistant Controller.
>> The two new members of the Finance Advisory Committee are Cal Meyer and Sandra Frost.
>> The total of $10,000 for the Card room facelift is not correct; the $10,000 was for the Artwork at Prairie Lodge.
>> The flooring will not be a wood floor but a vinyl floor that looks like wood planking. New chairs without wheels are only being looked at, not all new furniture.
Corrections above submitted by SCCAH Executive Director Lauren Lee.
>> The group of four volunteers that are helping the Sun City finance committee with the selection of new artwork for Prairie Lodge are all members of the Pencil & Palette Art Club, not a committee of the club, as stated in the Nov. 6 Sun Day.
The Sun Day regrets these errors.