The Sun Day News is a nice little paper but since you removed Political Place and Letters to the Editor, I find what’s left to be insubstantial. So much page space is used on what could be short articles.
It would be nice to know why you chose to remove those items. Are you planning to put them back any time soon?
If you’re targeting seniors, you’ll find they’re much more in tune with politics and current events than the younger crowd, since we have the luxury of time, as retirees, to get involved.
Please consider putting these items back in your paper.
Peg Mulhall
Sun City Resident
Editor’s Note: Ms. Mulhall poses a very good inquiry. In an email reply back to Ms. Mulhall, the Sun Day stated that we did not, in fact, remove these items from the Sun Day. We simply haven’t received many Hang Your Hat (or letters to the editor) or Political Place submissions recently. We do, however, hold both these submissions when we have room constraints but for the most part submissions regarding these two items have been slow coming lately. The Sun Day urges readers to continue to send in letters and political issues for publication in the Sun Day. Thank you.
Senior citizen community without transportation?
It was wonderful, when I first came to Sun City Del Webb. I do not drive and have to walk with a cane.
I did not know about Senior Services then, and my first doctor appointment at Sherman Hospital cost me $60 round-trip with a local taxi service.
Needless to say, I had to find an alternative. Bless Senior Services and Faith in Action. No charge to go to doctor or dental appointments, only send a check once or twice a year for whatever you can afford. Then the Grafton Troop Bus Service came into my mind. What a blessing. They would come to your door, pick you up, take you shopping or to a hair appointment or to Prairie Lodge for games or exercise.
Too good to be true – Nov. 2013 came – NO MORE BUS. I really felt sorry for the many disabled who came on the bus with a wheelchair, even the motorized ones. Who would take them anywhere, especially doctor visits? We don’t even know if they live here anymore.
Even though the seasonal flowers are everywhere and they are beautiful, and it costs a lot for them to be planted and cared for, why can’t the cost of them be cut by one-fourth or one half? That money could go toward a bus or cut taxi cabs usage. All of us here at Sun City Del Webb are happy to be here, but we have to remember, WE ALL will age through the years and become disabled, so let’s put it on the table at a SCCAH board meeting soon…and get something done to help our elderly and disabled.
Marion Lorenzin
Neighborhood 35