Our Ask An Angel correspondent is Arlene Petersen, Certified Senior Advisor and Life Care Navigation Specialist in the area of senior home care.
Q. The holidays came and went and I loved having my family visit me. Now that the holidays are over, I feel alone and miss the company. I can’t get motivated to enjoy life. How can I fight the blues?
A. It sounds like you had a wonderful holiday. Now that the holidays are over, we can get a little blue because the hustle and bustle of family and friends may be gone. It is important to remain connected to friends and loved ones, and it just may look different now that the holidays are over. Here’s a few simple things you can do to keep the joy flowing:
Organize a gathering with your friends. A tea party is a great way to invite friends over that won’t cost a bundle. Some tea and cookies and good conversation is all you need. It is a fun way to get together with friends. If tea and cookies isn’t your thing, a book club or card club might be just the thing.
Look for ways to help others. Volunteer at your local library, senior center, or hospital. There are many ways to give back to the community that will keep you social and will probably open doors to meet new friends. There is a good chance your mood will be lifted in the process.
Start a thankfulness journal. It is a great way to keep a focus on the positives in life, rather than the negatives. Each day, write down ten things you are thankful for. There are studies that prove keeping a journal results in a positive mind and healthy body.
You may even consider working with a caregiver on a short term basis to provide companion care. Having a cheerful caregiver visit you, especially if you feel isolated, can lift your spirits with a short visit in your home. Caregivers can play cards, read books, or help with home projects. A caregiver can even help with accomplishing some after the holiday goals, like organizing the pantry or closet.
In all of this, try one thing and see how it goes. Chances are, your spirits will be lifted.
Have a question for our angel correspondent? You can send our angel an email to apetersen@visitingangels.com or send your question via mail to Ask An Angel, 65 Woodbury St., South Elgin, IL 60177.