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Proudly Serving the Community of
Sun City in Huntley

Huntley Community Radio update: January 29, 2015

By Dorothy Litwin

All the excitement of the holidays are over and here we are in the middle of the ā€œwinter doldrums.ā€ But we at Huntley Radio are all excited about the new shows we have added to our schedule and the other new shows that are currently being developed.

David Rosenfeldt is the newest host of not one but TWO new shows. The first one started at the beginning of January and just in time for the tax seasonā€“ HURRAY! Itā€™s all about things financial. Starting with taxes, Dave will also talk about wills, investments, real estate, insurance, trusts, estate planning, and more. Dave has years of experience in this world of money, and if you have a question, e-mail him at drosenf417@comcast.net and heā€™ll either answer anonymously it on the air or by email. ā€œFINANCIAL STRAIGHT TALKā€ can be heard on WHRU every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays at 10 a.m.

But thatā€™s not all, Dave will begin a second show sometime in February called ā€ACCESS WITH RESPECT.ā€ This program will be devoted to issues concerning special needs and is aimed at family members and caregivers. Information will be presented on travel, restaurants, local transportation, theater, equipment, and more. Watch this column for exact dates and times to tune this in.

And weā€™ve just added a brand-new genre of music, the toe-tapping POLKA. Hosted by Jim Kucharski, itā€™s title is ā€œCHAINSAW POLKA MADHOUSEā€ and itā€™ll have you out of your seat and dancing around your house. Listen to ā€œChainsaw Polka Madhouseā€ every Tues, Thurs, and Sat at 11 a.m.

Huntley Radio has no ā€œdoldrumsā€ – just a lot of enthusiasm about all the new programming being added each day. Donā€™t forget we are 101.5 on your FM dial and, of course, on your computer at huntleyradio.org.

Dorothy Litwin

1 Comment

  • Jim Kucharski says:

    To Whom It May Concern:

    I am writing to inform you that there is an error in this posting. My program: CHAINSAW’S POLKA MADHOUSE, airs on Sunday afternoons from 2-3pm.

    It appears that whoever wrote this article got the show times mixed up with Dorothy Litwin’s program.

    In my opinion, this appears to have been done deliberately by someone who is discriminatory against polka music. Potential listeners to my program may now be turned off because of this development, as this article was submitted to other papers as well.

    I am humbled that the good folks at Huntley Community Radio are allowing me to air a polka show on their station, but I don’t appreciate being disrespected like this.


    Jim Kucharski
    Host – “Chainsaw’s Polka Madhouse”

    Sunday afternoons 2-3pm CT over Huntley Community Radio WHRU-LP 101.5FM
    (online at www.huntleyradio.com)

    Sunday afternoons 4-5pm ET over WERG 90.5FM in Erie, PA
    (simulcast on www.polkajammernetwork.org)

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