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Ask an Angel: June 18, 2015

By Arlene Petersen

Our Ask An Angel correspondent is Arlene Petersen, Certified Senior Advisor and Life Care Navigation Specialist in the area of senior home care.

Q. I’ve fallen for the first time recently and it really scared me. Since this happened to me, my friends have told me to expect it to happen again. Is this true or am I just being too worried?

A. Causes for falling can run the gamut from changes in medication, to poor lighting, to dehydration and poor nutrition, to dizziness from bending and stopping, to tripping on clutter and tripping on our own two feet. It is important to consider why the fall happened. Did you trip on something? Make sure you wear proper footwear that make you feel secure. Did you start new medication and it might be the culprit? Start by checking in with your doctor. Make sure you check your home surroundings and your walk ways well-lit and clear of clutter. Before you worry about the possibility of the next fall, try to analyze what caused the first and see if there is something that can be modified in the home as a fall-prevention tactic. You might consider simple modifications that will make it safer at home. When a fall occurs, people think they need to limit activity, but in fact, the opposite is true. Lack of exercise can lead to muscle weakness, so it is important to ask your doctor what exercises you can do to help improve balance and strengthen your legs. Make sure you are taking in plenty of water. Dehydration can lead to dizziness and urinary tract infections which can also cause weakness and can attribute to fall risks. Finally, make sure you are eating properly. Good nutrition is a key component to overall health. Taking some simple measures is an investment in your independence!

Have a question for our angel correspondent? You can send our angel an email to apetersen@visitingangels.com or send your question via mail to Ask An Angel, 65 Woodbury St., South Elgin, IL 60177.

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