I read the article âMirror, Mirror on the wallâ and just had to comment on it. I am an Esthetician and worked as one, as well as being a makeup artist for over 20 years. My facials were all corrective, for people with acne, dry skin acne and wrinkles. I gave acupuncture facelifts. My clients came from very wealthy areas of Ct. and some even flew in to see me from other states.
The other day I was reading in an M.D. magazine a column by a dermatologist. He wrote he had never seen so many dry skin cases and didnât know why. The reason I found early in my career was that women and men use too much moisturizer that interferes with the normal oil excretion and causes acne. Most doctors unfortunately recommend moisturizers. The best moisturizer is our natural oil and the water we should be drinking (at least 8 glasses a day). Having pores functioning properly, by not blocking them up is the answer.
Soaps come in many forms and many are good for the face. Some have salicylic acid that sloughs off the dead cells and keeps the pores unblocked in a gentle way. Moisturizing day and night is not good for the skin and especially the eye area. The skin there is very thin, for a reason. To let the water in your eyes evaporate especially when we sleep. Moisturizer prevents that, so the skin stretches and you get puffy eyes and bags. Astringents are also detrimental to the skin as they have irritants in them to make the pores swell so you may look poreless. However, doing this daily causes your pores to enlarge from the swelling and shrinking that takes place.
Everyoneâs skin is different and has to be treated as such. I am 74 years old now, and I have no wrinkles because I donât use moisturizers on my face. I do use an aloe product as it has healing properties and does not clog the pores. The products that say they will plump up your skin should not be used either, nor humectants unless you drink a lot of water. They suck the moisture out of the air and your skin. If there isnât a lot of moisture in the air, your skin will suffer.
I could go on and on, but just wanted to address comments in the article as I, an expert who has treated hundreds of woman, men, and children over the years for various skin problems, donât want women to make mistakes, spend money on products that they should not use and that they will one day regret.
Eudice Germaine
Sun City resident