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Spring into a challenge this season

By Kathleen Carr

Each morning, for four months out of the year, I start my weekdays the same way. Feed the dog, kiss the kids good-bye, stop by McDonald’s for my large Diet Coke, pick up the business mail, work out, and then be back at my desk by 9 a.m. When I was younger, I would have prioritized being at my desk and been there by 7:30. Work always came first, and taking care of myself always came last. Having just reached a milestone birthday, I have spent some time reflecting. The thing that I am proud of most right now is that I have started to prioritize my own health. Selfish maybe, but 45 minutes on a treadmill watching Netflix makes me happy, so right now, in this stage of my life, I am going to do it. It has led me to think though what else I could do each day to improve my life.

Flowers, gardening, and just being outside makes us happy. It has been scientifically proven that gardening reduces stress, boosts brain function, improves heart health, and increases self esteem. Both our mental and physical health can be dramatically increased by participating in gardening activities. For the next 14 days, I would like to encourage you to take on this challenge. Listed below are a series of flower, gardening, or other nature related activities. Please consider following along day by day and completing each of the items. They are designed to be quick activities that usually will take 10 minutes or less to complete. Please give it a try. I would love to hear your feedback. I promise I will be doing these items along with you.

Day 1 – Look through a photo album. Instead of focusing on the people in the pictures, look at the plants.

Day 2 – Position a chair so that you can sit comfortably and look outside. Take notes about what you see.

Day 3 – Watch a YouTube video called ‘Spring Wildflowers at The Morton Arboretum’ www.youtube.com/watch?v=03OzfPKacvY

Day 4 – Mail a packet of flower or vegetable seeds to someone.

Day 5 – Cut a picture of a flower from a magazine or catalog and put it on your refrigerator.

Day 6 – Change the screen saver on your computer (or smart phone) to that of a picture of nature.

Day 7 – Research a gardening quote, print it out and put it on your bathroom mirror.

Day 8 – Sit back, relax, put your feet up (literally!) and think about one memory that you have that involves being outside. Tell someone about that memory.

Day 9 – Walk and look at three of your neighbor’s houses. What do you notice about their plants? Do you see any changes that indicate Spring is coming?

Day 10 – Drive through a local park or conservation district area. Park for 10 minutes and enjoy the view.

Day 11 – Seek out a gardening or nature related television show. If you can’t find one, watch a show and concentrate on the scenery, not the actors.

Day 12 – Spend 10 minutes outside walking around your yard.

Day 13 – Ask a member of a younger generation to help you with a gardening task. Reward them with lunch or a homemade treat.

Day 14 – Purchase a small potted plant or bouquet of flowers.  Enjoy!

Please revise the activities according to your lifestyle. The most important part is just incorporating nature into your life as winter passes and we welcome spring. Please email me your thoughts and reflections. I would love to hear them and may use them in an upcoming column.

Kathleen Carr is the owner of The Growing Scene, Inc., a garden center and landscaping company. She can be reached by calling 815-923-7322 or tgsinc12@msn.com. Have a gardening question? Please contact her. She may address it in an upcoming column.

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