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Proudly Serving the Community of
Sun City in Huntley

Hang Your Hat: November 15, 2018

By My Sunday News

Birthright Citizenship?

The first sentence of the 14th amendment states “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.” (My underline).
In the current and prior discussions on birthright citizenship, the underlined phrase seems to always get ignored. Thus, any child born in the United States is deemed a USA citizen regardless of the parents’ status (children of diplomats are an exception). Children born of parents on a work assignment in the USA are citizens, as well as those of here on vacation, not to mention those who came to the country just so their child could be born here and “be a US citizen.”

However, not all those children are “subject to the jurisdiction” of the USA. The French businessman whose son was born in New York during the time of his work assignment does not consider the child to be subject to US jurisdiction after they move back to France. The well-documented cases of Asians who come to California so that their child becomes a US citizen do not subject him to US jurisdiction after they move back to Singapore. The Mexican mother who allegedly sneaks into the USA so that her child is born in an American hospital does not consider him subject to US jurisdiction after she goes back home, etc.

Now, legal immigrants not yet citizens who have a child here do subject him to US jurisdiction, because their intention is to stay here. Thus this child should be considered a citizen even though his parents have yet to achieve this status. Illegal immigrants who intend to stay here will (I think) also be parents of a US citizen because that child is subject to US laws.

The bottom line I am trying to convey: citizenship should not be a consequence of one being born here, absent the child being subject to the jurisdiction of our laws.

Herm Faubl
Sun City resident

What would Jesus say?

The world has so much hate.  No one is immune when an evil-spirited person has a desire to cause bodily harm. They take it upon themselves to seek out and enter a church such as the Synagogue in Pittsburgh. It could of been your own place of worship; must a person have this inner fear, I am not safe going to services? Now the Holy days will soon be here, Christmastime churches usually have abundance of worshipers. People will look around seeing and recognizing people feeling safe but a quick thought: does he have a gun, is he mentally ill? No, my children do not let anyone prevent you from coming to me and celebrating my birthday. Do not let the evil one inspire you to stay home. Trust in your faith come and celebrate as you want to. Do not let the evil-spirited one have control where you want to go and be safe. Stand up against these sick-minded people and pray for these people that they get the help they need and be inspired seeing people coming to celebrate the season and feel the same comfort of peace from all who come to the house of worship. I give all my blessings.

June Leinwander
Sun City resident

As concerned citizens of the Village of Huntley, we would like to point out some of our concerns with the building plan Mike Scala has proposed at the intersection of Route 47 and Mill Street.

Our issues are:

1. Homes on Lincoln – Mr. Scala’s testimony now is that he won’t be building any homes. 

    -Does he plan to sell the land? 
    -Does he plan to hire a contractor? 
    -What are the styles and price point being considered? 
    -When are these slated to be built? Which part of his 8 phases?

2. Phases – How many phases are there? 3, 6, or 8? What does Mr. Skala plan to do to mitigate years of construction, noise, dust, construction trucks, and other nuisances that go with years of construction?

Put yourself in any of the houses nearby. Construction with an end date is one thing but endless construction is not acceptable.

Jerry Nepermann 
Gail Nepermann

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