Residents showed their community pride by wearing the Sun City 20th anniversary gear to a full day of celebration and entertainment. Saturday, June 22, began with a pancake breakfast by Sammy’s Bar & Grill outdoors at the Fountain Pavilion.
Following the breakfast, The Jesse White Tumblers entertained residents and visitors on the lawn overlooking the Fountain. The Jesse White Tumbling Teams started in 1959 to provide a positive alternative for the inner-city kids. The team has 150 members of all ages. They give approximately 1,500 performances each year at various events.

For the golf cart parade, Helen Wiederkehr, Treasurer of the Geneology Club Dresses in her grandmother’s handmade swimsuit.
Resident Teenah Gannon-Hinman said of the performance, “Pretty Darn Cool. I have seen them before but a long time ago.” Ringing a cowbell, Gannon-Hinman said, “You need to pick up one of these [cowbells] to cheer the team at the end.”
First National Bank was a sponsor of the Sun City 20th year Celebration and provided cowbells with the Sun City 20th year logo for residents, staff, family, and friends to ring their appreciation for the entertainment.
Grandchildren and children of all ages enjoyed Kona Ice and Face painting (organized by the Grandma and Grandpa and me club), staffed with volunteers from Huntley Ice School as well as Grandparents. Five-year-old Lily Leuck could not wait to have her face painted. Chris Leuck, Lily’s Dad said, “She was screaming she wanted her ‘paste painted.’” Lily did get a rainbow on her forehead with sparkles which did make her very happy.
Addressing the crowd before the concert, Sun City Staffer Melissa Hornick said, “Thank you all for getting down on your knees and praying for this beautiful weather.”
The Sun City Marine Color Guard with Doug Logan, Bob Burnett, Joe Scorn, Werner Duttge, Bob Krukowski, and John Martinez provided a great kick-off to the Band Concert. The Sun City Silverettes Twirl Team showed off their Baton skills. Dawn Moore said, “We’re performing with the band and there are three of us. Joining me will be Clare Barnett and Dale Zurek. We have been practicing for six weeks.”
Along with the Face Painting for kids, a photo booth was available and guests could make a “Wax Hand’ replica of their hand. In a few simple steps, a wax hand artist guided the participant in creating a 3-D mold of their hand. The participant chose a hand pose, dipped the hands, and the final steps included color. It was a unique type of entertainment that resulted in a great souvenir for young and old.
Jeannine Palmer, a resident celebrating her 20th year living in Sun City said, “I am one of the original residents still here in neighborhood 4.” Mary McCormick her Sun City friend added, “I have been here for 18 years in Neighborhood 15.”
The Golf Cart and Classic Car parade started at 12:30. Residents, Clubs, and Staff lined up for the parade. The Huntley police and fire departments escorted the parade, with some participants tossing candy to the kids. The Golf Carts were very creative and brought smiles to onlookers. The Theatre Company had three golf carts in the parade. Drivers and passengers were dressed in costumes from past plays. Kevin Fenner, in costume as the Mad Scientist from Young Frankenstein, said, “We have Chief Sitting Bull and another female cast member from Annie Get Your Gun, Julian is dressed as a Red Velvet Cupcake.”
The Genealogy Club also had three Golf Carts, Helen Wiederkehr, Treasurer of the club was dressed for the part Wiederkehr said, “What I am wearing was really my Grandmother’s. She was born 1n 1890 and she made this outfit. It’s a swimsuit. My grandmother was shorter than I was, that’s why my knees are showing. They would not have been showing back then. It would have been shocking.”
Some Sun City Residents had decorated two golf carts, one looking like a covered wagon with a sign attached to the back reading “Sun City or Bust” and the second decorated with champagne and bubbles to celebrate the twenty years of Sun City.