The “Wall that Heals” will be set up in Randall Oaks Park due to the combined efforts of American Legion Post 679 and True Patriots Care.

Vietnam veteran Harry Mierisch at a 2016 True Patriots Care event. (Photo provided)
Harry Mierisch, a Vietnam veteran and Board Member of True Patriots Care, explained that his group honors and helps all Veterans and first responders, including fire fighters and police officers. During 2019, four state troopers were killed in four separate incidents. Harry shared that True Patriots Care provided all flags for each of the troopers’ funerals in solidarity and support of their courage.
True Patriots Care participates in about twenty-two different types of events per year to include Memorial Day, Purple Heart days, 9-11 tributes and Veterans Day. Have you ever passed by Culvers on Memorial Day or greeted by a sea of American flags? This is the work of True Patriots Care.
Harry shared that in 2009, forty years after Vietnam he was still struggling with PTSD. During this year he attended a presentation given by Jerry Christopherson, President of True Patriots Care. The two men spoke afterwards and by evening’s end Harry said he took a first step toward being able to “cross the bridge” from the past to the present. A life of service and volunteerism followed.
Harry has never forgotten Vietnam nor his fellow veterans. He is passionate about his work with True Patriots Care. He shared a part of his experience in the Corps Zone in South Vietnam; the conditions, the constant bombings, the loss of life and then his return home to a country divided about the war.
Harry’s hope that “The Wall That Heals” will bring Vietnam veterans, their families and the families of veterans who lost their lives, peace and closure.
Volunteers are needed during the entirety of the event. If you would like to participate, visit