Well here we go again, our Board has decided to sidestep the rules already in place for their own purpose and not chance allowing residents to voice their opinions (which might be contrary to those of the Board). I am referring to the matter brought to light in the August 8, 2019, Sun Day by Jim Darow regarding the Centegra Physical Therapy facility.
This was the first time I was made aware of this facility or the fact that association funds were used for the benefit of a for profit business not part of Sun City.
This whole issue sounds much like the church issue from some years back which, when brought to light, caused an uproar the likes of which had not been seen before in Sun City.
Why is it that the “few” always think they know better than the “many” and believe that they need to exert their will at any cost? I wonder who was enriched by this decision and by how much? What was the cost in real dollars from our pockets?
I urge all of my fellow residents to keep this issue in mind when considering the candidates for the upcoming Board elections. It seems transparency is always part of everyone’s platform but disappears once they are elected.
Mary Ann Weissmann
When I came to Sun City fifteen years ago, I would be one of the 80-100 people attending a town hall presentation by one of our local representatives. Unfortunately, such a statement is no longer true. On August 5, a town hall featuring Dan Ugaste, who is our representative in Springfield, was attended by only about 20 people. They heard an update of what is happening in Springfield and were able to ask him questions on a range of issues that affect our lives and pocket books. Does this mean the rest of the 9500 people in Sun City have no concerns about what is happening in Springfield?
We can and should do better. It is in our self interest to be informed. Our state representative and state senator, along with our Congressional representative, are individuals who are most responsive to request for help and information from their constituents. On August 22 at 10 a.m. in Drendel Ball Room there will be a town hall featuring Lauren Underwood, our freshman Congresswoman for the 14th Illinois District. A large turnout will prove that we do care what our representative in Washington is doing. Please plan to attend this town hall as well as future ones.
Thanks for reading.
Herm Faubl
Neighborhood 18
What a great, thoughtful opinion written by Bill Juneau in the July 25-August 7 edition of the paper. It is so easy to talk about “lies, etc” of our President but seldom, if ever, read instances of the altercations. Mostly what we read and hear is a form of propaganda such as is used in North Korea to indoctrinate the population. I enjoy reading Planet Earth except when it turns to politics and then it’s opinion, not news or entertainment, and should be listed as such.
Richard Duckworth
Sun City Resident
It is obvious from Ed Slomski’s letter (Sun Day Volume 10 – Number 14) that his president does not muzzle the press as long as the press agrees with his president. Mr. Kerth’s column was fascinating in its history of the term “enemy of the people.” I strongly feel that we will all (including the Sun Day) have to take a stand very soon. The only time a newspaper needs to defend an editorial or an opinion is when filled with hate speech. The few that disagree with your opinion or Mr. Kerth’s should not be allowed to silence you. Thank you.
Mary Sickinger
Sun City Resident
If the Sun City board cannot stand the light of day, then what are they doing in darkness?
There is a quote like that somewhere but that will do for now.
The question is, what does the HOA open meetings act in IL say about this?
Scott Roane
Sun City resident