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Proudly Serving the Community of
Sun City in Huntley

Hang Your Hat: May 7, 2020

By My Sunday News

Good Grief, after reading the letter from Jim Zimanek in the last issue of the Sun Day, I wonder where the man actually lives. We all agree that the infamous “Easter Day” issues at Jameson’s were uncalled for, and certainly limited to a small group of folk. He goes on to paint a broad brush of bad behavior among Sun City residents in general, going so far as to suggest real estate sales people, warn potential residents in advance of what to expect. Mr. Zimanek, my wife and I have lived here for over six years, and not once, I repeat not once, have we witnessed any bad behavior by residents. We attend various functions, use the lodge for various activities, and have a wealth of friends throughout the community. We go to Jameson’s frequently and have never seen anyone out of line in any way form or manner. Everyone in our neighborhood gets along famously and agree we would (at this stage of our lives) rather live here than anywhere. You would be better served spewing your venom on the Democratic politicians who have destroyed this state,

Tom Sansom
Neighborhood 32 B

If it were not for our Governor, the death toll in Illinois would be so much higher.

Thank goodness we have a leader and determined protector.

Thank goodness Governor Pritzker refused to “play politics” as some have erroneously suggested.

He stood up to the Administration that definitely showed themselves to prioritize some states and some Governors sending some states PPEs and ventilators when Illinois needed them so desperately.

THIS should never be forgotten.

It was our loved ones and friends who suffered for this.

Being abandoned by a Federal Government, our Governor Pritzker was forced to find supplies himself and do so quietly, so that FEMA did not seize our supplies as they have done in Delaware.

Our Governor Pritzker will be remembered as one of the Governors who disregarded threats, insults, and the anger of a President who suggested we inject disinfectant into our bodies.

Real leadership!

Geri Levine
Sun City resident

As a nurse, senior and citizen of Illinois, I am grateful to have Governor Pritzker providing the strong leadership so needed during this crisis. Due to the appalling mismanagement of our federal government, state governments have had to tackle this national pandemic without adequate equipment, testing and science-based policies.

Despite this lack of necessary national assistance, Governor Pritzker is doing a remarkable job providing leadership and services to protect Illinois citizens providing services. Is it being done perfectly? Of course not; expecting states to do what is clearly a federal function invites false expectations. Setting states against each other, unnecessarily inciting divisions just gives Trump just another chance to “take all the credit while states get all the blame.”

Governor Pritzker should be lauded for making the tough decisions needed based on science and medical advice. He’s courageously held the line on premature “opening up the country” despite Trump and his radical, science-adverse followers (“Free Michigan…” etc.)

I am emphatically grateful Governor Pritzker has shown true leadership necessary now to protect Illinoisans, while wisely coordinating with other states. I applaud his coordinated science-based approach to re-opening of our beleaguered state and country.

Joan Davis
Sun City resident

While I have never been a champion of Sun City residents, I found the letter from Mr. Zimanek to be lacking in perspective.

He assumes the patrons at Jameson’s were Sun City residents.

“Outsiders” are accepted and cherished. Also, the drivers in

the area leave something less than courteous. However, they

too can be transient.

Just calling attention to the “broad brush” treatment.

Martin Miller
Sun City resident

I am wondering why Walmart & Jewel and other businesses are still putting groceries etc. in plastic bags. I would think that they would switch to paper since COVID-19 we’re told lives longer on plastic.

Taco Bell is now using the “old school” paper grocery bags for takeout orders. I feel more inclined to make purchases at places I feel are extending themselves to protect my and their workers safety.

Roseann LoSasso
Sun City resident

From the McHenry County Department of Health in regards to the above question:

“The idea behind using the plastic bags actually has to do with the fact that stores are discouraging people from bringing reusable bags until the pandemic is over. They want to limit potential exposures to their staff from packing items in someone’s reusable bag, and prevent exposure to the public as their staff comes into contact with multiple peoples bags without hand washing in between. They are trying to prevent the bags from being potential fomites.”

Taxes/assessments. Either way, depending upon how one defines the words “Taxes” or “Assessments,” the net result is the same. You have to pay.

Every citizen in the Village of Huntley or any municipal body is required to pays taxes supporting services provided by that taxing body. Payments are required for police and fire protection, schools, parks, libraries streets, garbage disposal etc, etc.

The payment of taxes is mandatory. It’s a cost of the privilege of living where one chooses to live. If anyone does not have an interest in going to the library or availing themselves of any other municipal services, the tax to support that service is not refundable or credited to the tax payer for non-use.

Can you imagine if there were no need for fire protection at one’s home? Would the tax to support that service or other services which were not used not be charged, refunded or credited to the tax account? Hardly!

The payment of the monthly assessment to the Sun City Association is a tax. It is a requirement for the privilege of living in a community offering recreational services, common area maintenance and abiding by exterior maintenance guidelines to protect home values.

Not paying the community assessment or any portion of it is not an option. Legal counsel has confirmed that paying the entire assessment is a requirement. Residents who feel that the assessment should be reduced are entitled to a right to consider a reduction, but that is not going to happen.

Sun City‘s 2020 operational costs require a monthly collection of $104 from each of 5481 homes. The remaining $24 of the $128 assessment total is applied to the Reserve fund. That covers replacement or maintenance as required. When comparisons of community assessments [taxes] are made to similar common interest communities, Sun City Huntley continues to be a real value.

Jim Darow
Sun City resident

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