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Ask the Woodchucks: 911 flasher switch update

By The Woodchucks

The one Sun City home device that we have gotten the most questions about is the flasher switch that flashes the outdoor lights to help fire and ambulance personnel find your house when you call them. That was 1990s technology. They now have GPS to find your house, so the flasher switch is no longer needed. If your switch fails, you can replace it with a standard wall switch like the others in your home. There is another benefit of using a standard wall switch. You can now use LED lights in your outdoor fixtures without some of the problems we have reported on.

Questions: I am cleaning house like probably a lot of women are in Del Webb and have stumbled on a large folder FULL of “Ask the Woodchucks” articles. They have been clipped & thrown into this folder since 2016.

Was wondering do you have an online library that residents could go to and enter an item like “Garage Door” and your previous repair article would be there? I am hoping you say “yes” then I could throw all this paper out.

Please advise, and if it isn’t available currently, is this something you could do in the future or is this something maybe the Sun Day Paper may have?

Answer: The Sun Day website has a complete history of all articles by all columnists. Click on the link to columnists in the blue band and scroll down to Woodchucks. All 236 columns dating back to July of 2010 are on this website.

Tip: I see residents power washing the siding on their houses to remove mold and mildew. There is a much easier solution called Wet and Forget. This product comes concentrated in a container. All you do is mix it with water in a garden pump sprayer. Spray it on the stains on your siding and you are done. No scrubbing, no power washing. Over the next couple of months, the elements, rain and sunshine, will remove all traces of the stain. I did a large section of the north side of my house two years ago and the siding there is as clean as the day we moved in. Today I did a ten-foot section on the east side of the house and it took 15 minutes.

If you have suggestions for future tips or have questions about maintenance around your home submit them to ask.the.woodchucks@gmail.com

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