We talked about getting in an article on abandoned or lost cats in Sun City.
Today my husband David went for a walk. When he came home he was upset that on the sidewalk on Applewood he saw a dead cat lying there with its eyes open. It was a small black cat. He rang the bell of the home it was in front of but no one answered. The poor cat. It was skinny and probably didn’t know how to find food.
During the heat we have been having, it is especially hard for a cat or dog to survive on its own outside. We need people to be compassionate and keep an eye out for these poor animals. You should put out a bowl of water and a can of tuna so that it can survive and call the police department, non-emergency number and tell them to contact the human society in Kane County and tell them to come and put out a trap to catch the poor animal. The Humane Society is not so humane and will not come here unless they are told by the police to do so. You also have to keep after them to make sure it is done. No animal should suffer like this cat evidently did, because someone no longer wanted it.
This winter there was a cat in the wetlands behind my house that needed help. One of my neighbors usually left his garage door open a bit and had food and water out for stray cats. Either he wasn’t home or the cat didn’t know about it. I left food out for it and didn’t see it for a few days. I called Animal House about it, but they said they didn’t do rescues and to call the police. They sent a policeman over and I told him the cat was having trouble walking and was falling down. It managed to get into the culvert behind my house, a place over the years cats hide in. I gave him a bowl of food. He came back and told me he saw the cat in the back of the culvert but he could not get to it. He said he would tell his desk person and they would call the Humane Society. Next day I saw that no had come as there were no tracks in the snow other that the policeman. I called the PD again and they said they would call the HS. Story ends with no one came and this poor cat died in the culvert. I am unable to walk well and could not go out other than to throw out food from the deck. I keep picturing the poor cat struggling to stand and no one came to help him.
Please have a heart and save an animal that is going to die if you don’t do something.
Eudice Germaine
Sun City resident
I’ve been a resident of Sun City for a little over 6 years and during that time I really haven’t seen any projects undertaken that absolutely make no sense. But for the life of me, I cannot fathom any reason why the ‘powers that be’ would see fit to close down one half of west bound Sun City Blvd from Del Webb Blvd to Crestview Dr and make it a permanent parking lot! I understand that the tennis courts, baseball field etc; generate a considerable amount of activity and on-street parking. BUT, these activities occur only in the summer/warmer months and therefore do not require parking spots in the colder months, nor at night, nor during a good portion of most any day, and certainly not to the extent currently marked off for parking. I’m certainly not aware of any accidents, or any surge in incidents along this stretch of road that would necessitate making this road a parking lot. Further, I’ve never seen cars parked up so close to Crestview Dr. as is now designated for parking; and creating a rather hazardous/bizarre right turn situation for drivers turning (right) onto Crestview. I can only hope, and urge, that this ill-conceived project be reconsidered and then be undone.
Bill Gwiasda
Sun City resident
In answer to Steve Hilbert’s Hang Your Hat in the last edition of the Sun Day…Seriously, you want facts about the president causing the deaths of over 100,000 + people……just listen to the news, and I don’t mean FOX NEWS. Had he listened to the medical scientists we would not have over 40 million people on unemployment, over 130 million and counting deaths and a divided nation. If you watched an hour or two of news everyday on MSNBC, CNN, PBS, ETC. you, too, would come to that conclusion. And yes Gov Pritzker so far has done a good job on the Coronavirus.
Betty Barnett
Sun City resident
If you read a lot, it’s likely that you’ve frequently come across acronyms. FYI [For Your Information] is an acronym. It’s a short cut using letters only to name organizations; job titles; locations or calls to action: CEO; FBI; CTA; NBA; MVL and CYA. The CYA acronym is a warning to Cover Your Ass.
Almost everyone knows that CVD19 is a shortcut for Coronavirus. Grammarians would call it a short cut, because it doesn’t match what is defined as an acronym.
There is a relationship between CVD19 and CYA when discussing the effort that Sun City’s management and board are taking to alert residents regarding staying safe.
Thankfully, residents have been regularly informed regarding measures to protect themselves from the virus. Notifications are posted in print, e mails, signs, letters to club presidents and mailings to all residents. Beyond those cautionary procedures there is always the concern that a litigious minded individual might sue the Association for not implementing sufficient warnings resulting in the llitigant’s infection. The Association would have to defend itself resulting in losses of time, money and reputation.
Limited comments have been heard suggesting that management and the board had adopted a CYA approach by sending multiple safety messages regarding CDV19.
So be it. It’s better that management employs a CYA approach so that the safety, wellbeing and interests of all residents are protected.
Management is doing its job to protect the association…that’s us.
Jim Darow
Sun City resident