Just wanted to say that Sun City has a bunch of people who do not understand that people have the right to express and have their own opinions on various topics.
My last letter about the poor cats left by people to care for themselves elicited an unsigned letter from one of those vulgar, ignorant people that suggested we should feed the coyotes our pets, amongst other things associated with Trump. The coward did not sign his or her name, and I only read part of it as it was not worth my time to read. I am just disappointed that others who love their animals and people, did not respond.
To date 160,000 people have died needlessly from Covid 19 and many more will also die. With Trumps urging schools to open children will be amongst the dead. I wish people would start listening to the scientist and not Trump. I hope people will keep their children safe at home and not send them out to be sacrificial lambs. If they die, their parents and grandparents will have to live with the loss of their child for the rest of their lives.
Eudice Germaine
In answer to Steve Hilbert’s Hang Your Hat in the last edition of the Sun Day… Seriously, you want facts about the president causing the deaths of over 100,000 + people… just listen to the news, and I don’t mean FOX NEWS. Had he listened to the medical scientists we would not have over 40 million people on unemployment, over 130 million and counting deaths and a divided nation. If you watched an hour or two of news everyday on MSNBC, CNN, PBS, ETC. you, too, would come to that conclusion. And yes Gov Pritzker so far has done a good job on the Coronavirus.
Betty Barnett
Sun City resident

Some time ago, Northwestern Hospital requested that its wellness services be expanded to include physical therapy on Sun City property.
The area originally dedicated to the fitness Manager’s office was converted, at the hospital’s expense, to become the therapy facility thereby reducing the total area of Sun City’s common space.
Just as an interesting statistic, the number of eventual Sun City residents receiving therapy was never made available.
As we know, the lodges and all activities were closed down per government guidelines until now when partial openings are being allowed.
Northwestern Hospital is now asking to reopen its Therapy facility in SC. The very nature of physical therapy is contrary to the prohibition of the social distancing guideline. Therapy services usually involve physical contact from a therapist.
While the main wellness center is open and providing tests generating income for the hospital the therapy facility remains closed and generates no income.
Although the loss of business can or possibly has been overcome by residents requiring therapy who are receiving it at the hospital.
From a PR perspective, if therapy reopens, every time a patient walks thru the fitness center ,a regular fitness user who can’t use the fitness facility may ask where the priorities lie.
Until the fitness area in the PL is partially or completely opened access to the therapy facility should be denied.
Who is first? Residents or a business?
I would discourage the Board from authorizing a reopening at this time and suggest reconsidering it 3 months from now or sooner hoping by that time that the PL fitness center may be partially open.
Jim Darow
Sun City resident