Mike and Cindy Ptak had no reservations about getting the coronavirus vaccine.
Why do they find it important to get the vaccine?

Sun City resident and military historian Mikek Ptak and happily receives his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine administered by Jewel-Osco. (Photo provided)
Mike, a military historian whose specialty is 18th-century armed forces and the American Revolution, states, “Unlike that inoculation for smallpox so many years ago, today we are not receiving a live virus. Inoculations or vaccinations saved the Continental Army under George Washington stationed around Quebec in 1776. Approximately half of his troops were stricken with smallpox, dead or dying, which would have forced their withdrawal from that city. Reading a letter from his wife Martha Washington about smallpox vaccinations at home, he had his Continental troops vaccinated by their receiving a small cut to their arm to then have an infected soldier rub smallpox discharge from the pustules into that cut. That action saved the Continental Army, which went on to win Quebec. Had it happened in 1775, would Canada then have become a part of the United States?”
The Ptaks were fortunate to receive the first dose of the vaccine on Friday, January 27, at the Huntley Jewel-Osco.
Mike said, “Cindy and I both got the shot and they automatically schedule the second dose for you.”
Sun City resident Rosemary Jones and her husband, Andy, also both received their first dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine the last week of January.
Rosemary said, “We felt so fortunate to get an appointment. My husband is extremely proactive and when we got the email from McHenry County, he got right on it. We got a text confirming we had an appointment right away and then reminders up to the day of the appointment. We were happy to get the appointment and we saw happy scenes and smiles of others as they waited their turn. I was impressed with the efficiency of the process. They also scheduled our second appointment right away.”
Did they have any reactions to the shot?
Jones said, “I was a little achy, but my arm was just a little sore. Andy felt pretty good.”
Based on evidence from clinical trials, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was 95% effective at preventing laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 illness.
Jo Geary works at Northwestern hospital and is scheduled for her second dose on February 10.
Geary said, “I had a slightly sore arm for a few days. My only side effect. I had the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine. I didn’t have a choice since it was what our region of Northwestern offered. I didn’t have to get it but decided since I could, and the benefits outweighed the risks, it made sense. I am still being cautious but will admit I have already been a little less nervous about getting COVID-19. However, I think we will all have to continue as though it could be around the corner.”
Based on evidence from clinical trials, the Moderna vaccine was 94.1% effective at preventing laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 illness in people.”

Sporting the bandaid from her shot, Sun City resident Cindy Ptak shows her vaccination card.
Sandra Miller is also scheduled for her second shot.
“Nothing to it. My next dose is scheduled for February 18. I got Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. The max immunity should be on or after March 5th. I am looking forward to time off for good behavior after 1 week short of the 1-year sentence of house arrest,” she said.
Barbara Lio also received the Moderna Vaccine.
Lio said, “I received the Moderna vaccine through the McHenry county public health department since I am a nurse on January 12th. It was so great. I cried. The vaccine is my ticket to see my family again after months apart. I haven’t been able to hug my grandchildren. That is what I am looking forward to the most. I had no side effects at all.”
Many residents have expressed frustration in not being able to get an appointment.
Kathy Fosser, interim executive director of, Kane County Health Department said “We realize that appointments are difficult to schedule at this time. As the vaccine supply increases, appointment availability will also increase. We appreciate the public’s patience as the vaccination drive progresses.”
Residents are looking beyond Huntley’s borders to schedule an appointment.
Lynda Mogilner and her husband Alan, traveled to a Walgreens in Sycamore to get their first dose.
Mogilner said, “My son was able to get us an appointment there. The shot didn’t hurt at all for both of us. I felt a little light-headed, but very happy. We feel very fortunate.”
Kathy Talbot traveled to Elgin to get her vaccine dose.
Talbot said, “I got my vaccine on January 25 at Oak Street Health in Elgin. They were giving the Pfizer one, so I have an appointment to go back in three weeks for the second dose. I’m hoping they get enough promptly, as I understand supply is a problem, I was thrilled to be able to get an appointment. My husband and I heard about Oak Street Health from our son. The wife of a colleague of his was able to get hers there as a medical professional. Chris, my husband, tried to get on their schedule but they ran out of vaccine. They got a new shipment in late on Friday and called people who were on their list. By that time, Chris had gotten his through Kane County as a medical professional. He got his at the Fairgrounds and said it was very well run. He received the Moderna and I got the Pfizer. We did not have much of a reaction. I had a sore arm yesterday evening, but it is fine now. I was very happy to have my first dose, but it won’t change things for me for the foreseeable future. I will still be double masking and not going inside places other than my own home until a significant portion of the population is vaccinated. It does help me to relax more and be more optimistic that a return to normal will someday be possible.”
Sun City is offering the shots through Walgreens and Jewel/Osco clinics but has stated that residents should continue to seek any other opportunities when they are made available.
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