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Sun City in Huntley

Since holding virtual sessions, Sun City’s Computer Club has seen increase in session attendance. (Photo by David Goode/Sun Day)

Zoom into Sun City’s Computer Club with remote learning

By David Goode

SUN CITY – Remote learning and ZOOM classes are not just for school children anymore. The Sun City Computer Club has been offering Zoom classes and remote technical support since the Covid-19 meeting restrictions were implemented.

According to Ralph Wehnes, the clubs’ Training Director, “the club has offered more than 20 Zoom classes since last spring.”

Since holding virtual sessions, Sun City’s Computer Club has seen increase in session attendance. (Photo by David Goode/Sun Day)

The classes are offered to all residents and are announced in the semi-weekly E-Blast from the association and to club members via E-Blasts. The classes have included iPhone and Android basics, Introduction to the Apple Watch, Windows 10 refresher, Using Gmail, Hallmark Card creation, Excel spreadsheets, Word documents and Social Media (Facebook and Twitter) applications.

The maximum number of students for in person classes in the Computer Lab is limited 24.

Wehnes said, “As many as 62 students have attended a virtual Zoom classes.”

The club offers virtual tech support to members every Monday morning.

Shelly Goldberg, the club’s President, “the virtual sessions are working well in solving member problems.”

The hot topics have included smartphone problems, advice on purchasing new computers, Windows 10 applications, email issues, antivirus and malware problems, photography apps, laptop computer difficulties, tablet applications and how to use webcams and Zoom.

The club has offered two classes for all Sun City charter clubs on how to conduct Zoom meetings. There are now plans to offer another class. The Current Events club is using Zoom for their meetings and have as many ZOOM attendees now as they have had in Drendel and Birch for meetings.

The Computer Club continues to offer meetings for all Sun City residents on the second Thursday of the month. The monthly meeting presentations have attracted as many as 82 participants (even more as couples participate). The details for joining these meetings are posted in the Association’s semi-weekly E-Blast, the Computer Club’s own eblasts and on the Club’s website.

In person monthly meetings are scheduled to resume when the Covid-19 restrictions are lifted.

Goldberg said, “dues have been waived this year and no renewal dues will be collected until the in-person meetings resume and the Computer Lab re-opens.”

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