No, the Sun Day is not shutting down or folding its pages. Quite the opposite, but we had you there for a second, didn’t we?!
Throughout the Sun Day’s 11 years, the paper has gone through numerous changes in appearance and a few revamps of its overall look, but the August 26 edition will present the biggest and most noticeable to date when we officially change its name.
Sort of.
There’s been a lot of surprises with managing and owning the Sun Day along the way but none so profound to me as most people referring to the Sun Day as My Sun Day News. In fact, very few people call the Sun Day (its given name!) the Sun Day. Almost everyone calls it My Sun Day News, which derives from the Sun Day’s website, a name that was picked by design, yes, but because and were already taken. The common reference is mind boggling to me because mysundaynews only appears in smaller print on the cover in the folio bar (where the edition numbers and dates run). Whereas the Sun Day appears in huge type at the very top of the paper…and on every folio line throughout. How My Sun Day News caught with readers, the Huntley community, and businesses alike is beyond me. But it did! So starting with the August 26 edition, the Sun Day will now officially be called My Sun Day News. And it’s getting a huge change in design to match its online sister publication My Huntley News, which is also turning into a print publication with our August 26 edition and delivering to every mailing address in Huntley outside Sun City.
Yes, there will be shared content between the two publications. In fact, it’s technically one publication but different page content, depending on where you live in Huntley (inside SC or outside SC), through a process called a plate change in printing. I’ll skip the details but what this means is over time you will be able to enjoy most of the content you’re used to seeing in the Sun Day along with expanded coverage of Huntley and Huntley area news all wrapped inside a cleaner and more contemporary design.
And if you’re concerned about club news/and or event invites that are specific to SC residents only being seen and/or attended by those living outside SC, we have a filing system and content code to readers in place to cover that. In those instances, non-Sun City residents will either never see that content or it will be coded that it’s only for Sun City residents.
Overall, this is an exciting transition for this media company and readers alike that’s been a long time coming and a long time in the making.
We hope you enjoy the new My Sun Day News that will appear in your mailbox on August 26!
Thank you, as always, for your dedicated readership and commitment to this community newspaper.