Nothing beats a good fish story, and the Anglers Charter Club now has a great one.
Lori Lindahl might not have swam upstream, but she made to the top.

Lori Lindahl moved to Sun City right before the pandemic hit, curtailing club activities but she still had Wildflower Lake to fish. Today, she’s the first female Anglers Club President. (Photo by Christine Such/My Sun Day News)
Lindahl moved to Sun City right before the pandemic hit and all activities were curtailed. But Wildflower Lake was open, and Lindahl was thrilled that there was a lake where she could enjoy fishing.
Lindahl said, “I joined the Anglers Club right away, but the pandemic hit and not much was going on. So, 2021 is my first full season with them.”
Lindahl started fishing in 2008. Some friends had taken her and her husband boating on a lake in Madison, Wisconsin.
Lindahl said, “We were discussing how good the fishing was on the lake we were on. At the time, I was asking a lot of questions about fishing. The husband, fed up with my inquiries, handed me a fishing pole and said, here drop this off the side of the boat, and you will catch something. I didn’t believe him. I caught a small bass within a few minutes while cruising through the channel. That was all it took. I was, um, hooked.”
The joy of fishing runs far deeper than the act of catching fish. Travel, location, preparation, and camaraderie all play a role in making memories. But fishing is always better when you manage to reel one in.
What is your most remarkable catch?
Lindahl said, “In 2014, I caught a 36-inch Northern Pike in Lake Monona near Madison, Wisconsin. It put up a pretty good fight, and I was exhausted after I brought it in. We got a picture, but I was tired. I just kept telling my husband to help me get it back in the water. Thirty-six inches is not a large size for a Pike, but I was not ready for it.”
Lindahl may be one of the newest members, but her enthusiasm and her skills did not go unnoticed in the Angler’s Club.
Randy Johnson, a member and past president of the club, said, “Lindahl was just chosen to be our club president. I think she is a great fisherperson and she will be really good for the club.”

Lindahl looks forward to her first fishing trip with the club in September. (Photo by Christine Such/My Sun Day News)
Lindahl is the first woman to hold the Presidency in the Club.
Lindahl said, “I am proud to be in a club that is so forward-thinking. The club has 124 members and about 10 percent of those are women. The club is very accepting of a woman in the position of the club’s leadership role. We have members with a lot of experience that I can go to for advice.”
Does she have any initiatives planned for the Anglers?
Lindahl said, “My first goal is to gain a better understanding of how the Anglers club and the Del Webb community best work together to reach common goals. With that knowledge, combined with my management background, I hope to become an effective liaison between our club members and the Del Webb community.”
Lindahl hopes to be an educational resource for all our members.
She said, “I have been fishing for a while now and I have made lots of mistakes, talked to a lot of experienced Anglers, and have learned a lot along the way. I am hoping to share my skills and knowledge with others.”
Fishing is a sport that you can enjoy at the level of simplicity or complexity that you choose. Mastering basic skills and acquiring an understanding of tackle and techniques will show results.
What is your most memorable time fishing?
Lindahl said, “My husband took me to Canada in 2017 for a weeklong fishing trip for our wedding anniversary. We had to fly on a tiny, 4-seat, biplane to a small resort in the middle of nowhere. Nothing around but water. The fishing was amazing.”
The Club meets at 9:00 AM on the 3rd Wednesday of every month in the Birch Room at the Fountain View Center. Lindahl said, “I would like to expand our membership, which hopefully includes adding more females to our roster who may be interested in learning to fish but hesitant to join a fishing club. I would love to show them how relaxing fishing can be. It is also a great activity to do to connect with children and grandchildren.”
The Club organizes fishing trips. It has a traditional fishing trip to Boyd’s Mason Lake Resort, a fishing resort in northern Wisconsin. The resort encompasses around 2600 private acres, offering a variety of fishing, miles of hiking trails, and peace, quiet, and solitude in Fifield, Wisconsin.
Lindahl said, “I am looking forward to my first fishing trip with the club in September. The trip fills up quickly and it is all booked for September, but we go on that trip twice a year. The next trip to Boyd’s is in May of 2022.”
Lindahl has also taken on the role of the New Outreach Coordinator for the club. If anyone would like to try the sport, information and contact numbers are on the Charter Club website.