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Proudly Serving the Community of
Sun City in Huntley
Anglers pose with grandparents and grandkids at a fishing derby. (Photo by Christine Such/My Sun Day News)

Anglers pose with grandparents and grandkids at a fishing derby. (Photo by Christine Such/My Sun Day News)

Fishing club offers sea of opportunity

By Christine Such

The Sun City Angler’s Club was chartered on May 26, 2000, with 36 members on the roster. The club currently has over 140 members from all backgrounds and levels of fishing experience. Twenty-five new members have joined in just the last four months.

How different is the club now from its inception?

Randy Johnson, club president said, “Demographics at Del Webb is changing. The population is younger and more active. We have more couples and women coming into the club. They go on trips, compete in competitions, and fully participate in club activities. We have our first female officer. She is the outreach officer that helps all new members get settled into the club.”

Johnson said, “Most of our members are family fishermen who are enamored with our Wildflower Lake and like participate in tournaments.”

The club meets monthly and offers a variety of new ideas, places to fish, proper ways to catch fish at Wildflower Lake, educational events, and organizing opportunities for fishing trips.

Johnson said, “We have several guest speakers throughout the year. Often guided trips are raffled off as part of the presentation. We also have club members speak about trips they have completed, handling fish, pole repair, identification of fish species, and professional fishing tournaments.”

Johnson said, “We have two several night trips planned to fishing resorts in Wisconsin. This involves all levels of fisherman. We also are going to southern Illinois for a several-night trip to Newton Lake. This is a world-class bass lake. In addition, we have monthly summer fishing tournaments on our lake, and outings to nearby lakes. This includes tournaments at Max McGraw Foundation, a world-class wildlife foundation.”

The club hosts and organizes one of Sun City’s Grandma, Grandpa & Me Club’s favorite events among the grandchildren and grandparents.

Johnson said, “This last year we had over 20 Anglers help with that event and many donated fishing equipment to the kids. The anglers helped with baiting, removing fish, and setting up fishing equipment.”

Johnson also highlights the club’s charity work.

“We contribute to the Del Webb summer concert series, Grafton food pantry, and New Horizons Veterans Home.”

What is their hope for the club in 2022?

Johnson said, “We look forward to more couples and women coming into the club. Most new members have a willingness to learn fishing or to share a wealth of knowledge about the sport. The enthusiasm is at an all-time high.”

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