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2021! One more year! 2021! One more year!

By TR Kerth

In case you haven’t noticed, the lamestream progressive media are at it again, spreading their lies to make America un-great again. They’re trying to tell you that the great year of 2021 has come to an end, and that we have to welcome a new year in its place — 2022.

Don’t believe it! And fight like hell against anybody who would say otherwise. If you don’t fight like hell, there’s no telling how many other years the progressive Demon-crats will try to steal from us!

They point to their calendars, which claim that December of 2021 must be followed by January of 2022. But these are phony calendars manufactured in Venezuela, purposely rigged to trick you into saying goodbye to a great year, the likes of which has never been seen before.

Lamestream progressive TV went out of its way to convince you that this great year of 2021 has ended. They showed you fake videos of a giant ball dropping in Times Square at midnight on December 31 as a crowd counted down from ten and shouted “Happy New Year!”

Well, it didn’t happen. I was in New York on that night, and—trust me—all was quiet in Times Square, so quiet like nobody has ever seen before. In fact, I was the only person out and about on the streets, and you could hear a pin drop. I could have shot someone on Fifth Avenue and nobody would have heard it.

Stop the steal! Don’t let the lying progressives replace this great year of 2021 with a new fake one. Don’t be duped into believing their lies. Only a gullible mook would fall for that.

And that’s not the only lie they’re trying to trick you into falling for. They’re also claiming that the days are starting to get longer now, but that’s hogwash. Did today feel any longer to you than yesterday did? Me neither. Oh, they’ll tell you to check the clock at sunrise and sunset and you’ll see the difference, but you can’t trust your eyes because appearances are deceptive. It’s just common sense that a day is a day. Checking clocks at dawn and dusk is just one more of their sciency tricks.

The lamestream media make up phony sciency words like “solstice” and “equinox” to convince you that days get longer and shorter as the seasons change. And if they’re not making up those words, then what immigrant-spewing lands are they getting words like that from? Have you ever used words like that in a conversation? Me neither. No God-fearing Christian American I know talks like that.

And then they pile on other fake news to get you to turn the page on this wonderful 2021 we’re having, lies like “global warming.” Well, take a look outside. Does it look warm to you out there? Me neither. If you can’t trust your eyes, what can you trust?

The news-fakers also push lies like Covid-19 in your face, hoping to scare you so badly that you’ll welcome them to inject their micro-tracking devices into your veins. Well, if something like Covid-19 actually existed, why did we never hear of Covid-1 through Covid-18? Did you ever hear of them? Me neither. How stupid do they think we are? If you can’t trust simple math, what can you trust?

And, again, what anti-Christian cultures are they talking to when words like “delta” and “omicron” roll so easily off their tongues? Did you ever use words like that in conversation? Me neither. They don’t even have enough respect for us to speak American when they tell their lies.

So fight like hell when they tell you that it’s 2022. It’s not. It’s still 2021. And it will be all year long. And next January, when they try to tell you that it’s 2023, we’ll fight like hell to stop that steal, too.

Because only a lie-embracing, reality-challenged, gullible mook would swallow lies like that without credible evidence to support it.

Say it with me, and say it loud:

2021! One more year!
2021! One more year!
2021! One more year!

TR Kerth is the author of the book “Revenge of the Sardines.” Contact him at

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