April of 2020 was My Sun Day News’ 10 year anniversary, but that was the month the pandemic began and shelter-in-place orders swept across the country, derailing any plans we had of celebrating this newspapers’ milestone. After two years, we finally decided to celebrate with the My Sun Day News / My Huntley News 12 | 10 Anniversary to make up for that missed occassion.
On the evening of June 4, MSDN/MHN staff and contributors met at Niko’s Grill & Pub in Marengo for a fun evening, commemorating the accomplishments of this local news organization.
Twelve years is a long time and to put it all into perspective, I assembled a list of trivia that I thought I’d share with you. I hope you find as interesting as we all did.
And on this note, I would like to add that this milestone would not have been possible without both your dedicated readership and the loyalty of our continued advertisers. Thank you.
Editions: 319 (to date at time of anniversary)
Total Stories: Approx. 3,000
Total Columns: 2,500
Total Photos: 4,000
Total Words: 2.8 million
• 3.5 Bibles
• 4.5 Copies of War and Peace
• 77 Decks of Cards
People Interviewed: Approx. 4,500
Total Copies Printed: Approx 2 million
• Average Paper is 20 Pages
• Total Pages Printed Per Edition: Approx. 120,000 to August of last year.
• Now it’s 266,000 with the inclusion of MHN.
• Total Pages Printed Overall: Approx. 41.2 million
One copy each of 319 editions stacked stands 16.25 Inches
All Copies Ever Printed stacked: 8,500 feet
• Nearly 2 Miles
• Almost 6 Sears Towers
• Nearly 19 Pyramids of Giza
• About same height as Mount St. Helens
• 2,500 Feet Deeper than Grand Canyon
Paper Size 13.5 x 11, opened it’s 13.5 x 22
• Linear Feet Per Edition: Apprx. 11 feet
Total Linear Feet Every Printed: 22 million feet
Total Miles: 4,165
• Approx. 1,000 miles wider than the US is coast to coast at its farthest points
• Approx from Huntley to London
• Approx half the diameter of the earth
Per Edition Sqft: 8
Total sqft for one copy of each of the 319 editions: 2,552
Total sqft ever printed for all copies combined: 16 million
• 277 Football Fields
• 370 Acres
• 82 Aircraft Carriers

(Photos by Tony Pratt/My Sun Day News)