SUN CITY – The Sun City Board of Directors were shocked when, at the June board meeting, quotes for a new sign at Veterans Memorial Field came in at $85,000. The board rejected that proposal and sent the project back to the Strategic Planning and Advisory Committee (SPAC) for revisions.

The Eakin Fields sign will be getting a facelift. The lettering will be replaced with Veterans Memorial Field and emblems of all the military branches will be added. This renovation has an $8,380 price tag. An upgrade of the landscaping is also planned. The date of the changes have not been announced. (Photo by David Goode/My Sun Day News)
Three new designs and quotes were presented at the July 28th board meeting. Option #1 was for $30,000. Option #2 was for $29,000. Option #3, which was the changing of the lettering on the existing sign, was only $8,380.
Board Member Roger Lambert said that “the existing sign matches all of the other signs in the community” and “the ballpark is the memorial and not the sign.”
Board Member McGouey added, “I agree with Roger.”
Board Member Ryden said “I like the $30,000 sign.”
Board Member Howard referenced a recent trip of his to the Normandy Beaches in France and said, “the monument at the beach in Normandy is very simple and we should keep this simple.”
Board Member Benigno said that “the focus is on the veterans. The enhancement to the current sign is the solution.”
The board consensus was to upgrade the lettering, add the military branch insignia and to revise the landscaping at the sign.