For all D-158 tax payers. In March of 2023, the D-158 Board approved the recommendation made by the Superintendent and Chief Financial Officer to credit the tax payers a total of $750,000 for the upcoming property tax billing cycle utilizing surplus dollars acquired during the COVID remote year. Thus; your taxes for D-158 for this year reflect your portion of the $750,000 as .91% x 2021 your D-158 taxes.
Ronald Ghilardi
Sun City resident
Do you know that if you subscribe to the most common cable plans, you are helping fund FOX – whether you watch Fox “News” or not?
Wait, you might be thinking, why am I paying for a service that I don’t watch? It’s because cable companies bundle TV programming and most major cable companies bundle FOX with many other channels.
If, like my husband and myself, you do not want to fund FOX’s proven campaign of misinformation about the Jan. 6 insurrection, COVID vaccines, gun laws, among others issues, or if you are concerned about the rising cable costs (especially true for FOX which is predicted to raise rates significantly to pay for its $787.5 million defamation lawsuit), you do have some choices.
You can call your cable company and
1. Voice your concern that you are paying for Fox “News” and request they stop bundling Fox with legitimate news programs.
2. Choose a cable bundle that is more basic which doesn’t include Fox. (This will be cheaper but will include fewer channels.)
3. or do what 52 percent Americans are now doing and “Cut the Cord” so you’re not subject to unwanted Cable fees and bundling rules requiring you to pay for providers you don’t wish to support.
Joan Davis, RN, MS
Sun City resident
The results of the District 158 School Board election were disappointing. The winners used scare tactics in order to get votes. One person distributing their flyers told me “our taxes will go up because the current board spent money on electric school buses and solar panels, not on students.” Guess who will ride in those buses? Oh, yes, students use the buses. Certainly no one enjoys paying taxes, but the use of clean energy seems very forward looking to me. The electric buses benefit the students who will ride in cleaner vehicles. Aside from that, there will be less pollution in our air. Have you ever been behind a diesel bus?
The cost cutting ideas seem to be a step backwards for the environment. I hope that there is not also a step backward in curriculum, with revisionist history and censorship as we’re currently seeing in Florida. I’ve already seen mention of “age appropriate” books. Who determines what is age appropriate, teachers, parents or a school board? Today’s students are the world’s future. They need to be educated honestly and be prepared for the real world, not a sanitized version of reality.
We all wish for a better future. We can’t achieve that by going backwards
Richard J Quigley
Sun City resident