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A different breed: new plants to expand your garden

By Kathleen Carr

Plant breeders often spend their entire lives dedicated to the development of a better version of a plant. They work diligently at developing plants that have characteristics that make them superior to other similar plants. These characteristics may include compact form, disease resistance, fragrant flower, colorful foliage, and drought tolerant. Today’s column focuses on 20 new plants that, thanks to plant breeders, have many of those characteristics.

Crested Surf Fern (Athyrium niponicum ‘Crested Surf’) This fern has beautiful silver foliage. It grows about 20” tall and 30” wide. It does best in moist soil and the shade.

Arctic Fire Yellow Dogwood (Cornus sericea ‘SMNCSBD’) This shade tolerant shrub has bright yellow twigs in the winter. The white flowers are present in the spring with red berries in the summer. Does best when about 1/3 of the stems are pruned out every year. Grows 4-6’ tall and wide.

Boom Chocolatta Geranium (Geranium pratense ‘Boom Chocolatta’)

The blue flowers are in contrast to the dark bronze foliage on this perennial flower. It blooms from June-August and grows 20” tall and wide.

Pippa’s Purple Lenten Rose (Helleborus x hybridus) The mottled leathery evergreen foliage on this perennial flower provides winter interest and gives rise to flowers very early in the spring. The pink with burgundy speckled flowers are held up by dark purple stems. Perfect for shade gardens, it grows 18-24” tall and wide.

Dolce® ‘Apple Twist’ Coral Bells (Heuchera ‘Apple Twist’) This perennial flowers has gorgeous chartreuse yellow leaves with wavy, rippled edges mature to apple green. The airy white flowers appear in June.

First Editions® Berry White® Hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata ‘Renba’) This panicle hydrangea has very long-lasting blooms. It begins flowering in July with white blooms that progressively change to pink, then wine red towards the fall. It makes an excellent statement or specimen plant at a mature height of 6-8’ and width of 4-6’.

Sensational Lavender (Lavandula x intermedia ‘Tesseract’) This very fragrant perennial flower has deep purple flowers and soft silver foliage. The flowers continue to rebloom throughout the spring, summer and early fall. It has a compact habit at 20” tall and wide. It does best in full sun in dry soil.

Lemon Squeeze Fountain Grass (Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Lemon Squeeze’) The chartreuse-gold leaves with copper panicles appear in midsummer on this ornamental grass. It performs beautifully in sun, with no burning of the leaves. It grows to about 30-36” tall and wide.

Ringo All-Star Rose(Rosa ‘Cheweyesup’) This very colorful five petal rose has blooms that start out melon-orange color and age to lavender and pink, providing multi-color effect. It is disease resistant and a rebloomer. Deadheading is not needed for the continuous blooms. It grows about 3’ tall and 3 ½’ wide.

Billowing Violet Aster (Symphyotrichum oblongifolius ‘Billowing Violet’) This perennial has a compact and dense habit. It is highly resistant to powdery mildew. The showy purple-violet flowers bloom August-October which is perfect late-season pollinators. It grows about 2’ tall and 3’ wide.

Magic Show ‘Purple Illusion’ Spike Speedwell (Veronica ‘Purple Illusion’) The floriferous rosy-purple blooms rise above rounded, deep green foliage. This long blooming perennial flower attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. It does best in full sun and grows 15” tall and wide.

Very Fine Wine® Weigela (Weigela florida ‘SMWFDPD’) This shrub has dark black/purple foliage that provides full season interest. This prolific spring bloomer has pink flowers and a compact habit. It is perfect for borders or in containers and grows to a height and width of 30” tall.

False Forget-me-not (Brunnera macrophylla ‘Sterling Silver’) The very large silver, heart-shaped leaves are a key attribute of this perennial flower. Tiny blue flowers in appear in the spring. It grows about 12” tall and 18” wide and does best in shade.

Foamy Bells (Heucherella ‘Pumpkin Spice’) The pumpkin-bronze leaves have bright burgundy veins for constant color. The creamy white blooms are an added bonus. It does best in partial shade and works well in containers. The compact habit makes it perfect for any yard as it grows to about 10” tall and 12” wide.

Bearded Iris (Iris germanica ‘Hemstitched’) The fragrant, white spring blooms have purple stitching on the ruffled edges. It does best in full sun and will grow to about 30” tall and 15” wide.

Rachel De Thame Lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus Westcountry™ ‘Rachel de Thame’) The pink and white blooms are very stunning in the spring garden. The very large flowers are on strong stems with deeply cut foliage. It attracts butterflies and hummingbirds, growing about 30” tall.

Pink Profusion Salvia (Salvia nemorosa ‘Pink Profusion’) This perennial flower has a rounded, dense habit with dark pink blooms and dark, textured foliage. It is very easy to grow and is deer and rabbit resistant. It attracts butterflies and hummingbirds at a height and width of 14”.

Lady Luck Hot Poker (Kniphofia ‘Lady Luck’) This very tall Hot Poker has white and chartreuse flowers atop green, grass-like foliage. The flowers can reach 5-6’ tall. An extended bloom time means it flowers throughout the summer. It is an excellent cut flower and is rabbit resistant.

Paint the Town Red Pinks (Dianthus ‘Paint the Town Red’) Single, deep magenta red flowers are in contrast to the blue foliage. This makes this a great choice for planting in containers, along walkways and patios. Blooms have a spicy scent and attract butterflies. It does best in full to part sun and grows about 8” tall by 18” wide.

Chrysalis Blue Butterfly Bush (Buddleia ‘Balchrylu’) A compact series bred and selected for its prolific bloom that attracts butterflies. The long, rich purple flowers adorn graceful branches starting in the spring and will last through late summer. Easily fits into urban gardens with its shorter, dense habit. High drought tolerance once established.

Kathleen Carr is the owner of The Growing Scene, Inc., a landscaping company. She can be reached by calling 815-923-7322 or emailing her at Kathleen@thegrowingscene.com. Have a gardening question? Please contact her. She may address it in an upcoming column.

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