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Proudly Serving the Community of
Sun City in Huntley

Hang Your Hat: October 19, 2023

By My Sunday News

I recently returned to Sun City, Huntley, after ten years away. One of the pleasant surprises was seeing that TR Kerth still writes a regular column in your newspaper.

I have always enjoyed Mr. Kerth’s insights into everyday life.

Although he has certainly had his share of hardships and losses, he always manages to present a positive viewpoint, usually with some humor included. His memories recall the good things in life, while acknowledging the losses.

Many of his stories remind me of my own experiences. I was particularly taken by his tale of his “tenant”, Gary, the garter snake and the image of city and suburban lots being referred to as prairies. We had some vacant lots in my childhood neighborhood in Chicago, which we always called prairies. Other memorable columns include Mr. Kerth’s environmental gardening methods and his bullfrog encounter.

TR Kerth seems to be a very thoughtful and compassionate person. His recent review of the graphic novel “Gender Queer” recognized that the author had valid life experiences, worthy of consideration. His non-judgmental review revealed an open mindedness that is rare in our divided society.

TR Kerth is a valuable contributor to your newspaper. We are all lucky that he shares his insights with us.

Richard J Quigley
Sun City resident

I am writing to express my concern and opposition to the use of chemical lawn pesticide applications by local lawn companies. It is time that we reconsider this harmful practice and take immediate action to protect our environment, our beloved pets, and our wallets.

First, the use of chemical pesticides on our lawns poses a grave threat to the environment. These toxic substances can contaminate groundwater, affecting the quality of our drinking water and posing a longterm risk to aquatic life and our ecosystems. Additionally, pesticide exposure can lead to the decline of critical pollinators like bees and butterflies, which are essential for our food supply.

Moreover, these chemicals pose a significant risk to our beloved pets’ health. Pesticide residues on treated lawns can be ingested by pets, resulting in acute poisoning and chronic health issues, including dermatitis, gastrointestinal problems, and respiratory distress. Last year, our Labrador suffered from dermatitis on her hind legs from these dangerous chemicals.

Moreover, the very need for these chemical lawn treatments is questionable. Research indicates that many chemical pesticides used in lawn care may have negligible benefits for most homeowners. Lawn companies perpetuate the misconception that a perfectly green lawn is a necessity, convincing homeowners to part with their hard-earned money for treatments that often yield minimal and short-term results.

I urge all residents to reconsider the application of chemical lawn pesticides. It is imperative that we recognize the harmful consequences of lawn pesticide applications. Let’s come together as a community to put an end to this dangerous practice. By doing so, we can cultivate a healthier, greener, and more responsible future for Sun City Huntley.

Marty Weil
Sun City resident

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