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Proudly Serving the Community of
Sun City in Huntley
Home of the future Historical Society museum. (Photo by Christine Such/My Sun Day News)

Home of the future Historical Society museum. (Photo by Christine Such/My Sun Day News)

Huntley Historical Society invites community to learn about its roots

By Christine Such

How much do you know about the history of Huntley? Do you know which minister called people to worship by hammering on the anvil? Did you know that the Latimer brothers manufactured a unique bike in Huntley? Or that Huntley, at one time, was the dairy capital of the United States?

Karen Makowski, Sun City resident and board member of the Huntley Historical Society, said, “We are hoping to preserve this history of the Village of Huntley, which was founded in 1851 by Thomas Huntley. His home still stands here in Huntley.”

The Historical Society has been fundraising in the community to get the resources and support to renovate the building off of Main Street by the entrance to the water park. This building will hold the history of Huntley.

Makowski said, “We have had fundraisers and are hoping to get a lot of community support at our next event on Saturday, November 11, at Pinecrest Country Club.”

The Society invites residents to join them for an afternoon of music, humor, and memories as Megon McDonough performs the songs of Patsy Cline, Cher, Joni Mitchell, Janis Joplin, Judy Garland, and Bonnie Raitt. The ticket includes wine and appetizers.

Makowski said, “The society chose the Veterans Day weekend as the perfect time to pair honoring service to the country with service to the community.”

The event will also honor residents from the community.

Janie Gabett said, “We will have Alice Jordi, who moved to Huntley over 70 years ago and among other positions held by her, was the president of the Women’s Auxiliary and president of Huntley Senior Citizens. Third-generation Dairy farmer, Louise Fitzgerald, still lives in the family farm home on the edge of Huntley. She graduated high school with sixteen classmates. Attending also will be Bill Ruth who grew up in Huntley and has contributed to the beauty, grace, and dignity of downtown Huntley from the brickwork and landscaping of the Veterans Memorial to the baskets and planters that adorn the main streets.”

Tickets for this community event are available at Huntley Floral located at 10436 Route 47 or by calling 847-669-0900 or online at www.ticketsignup.io/TicketEvent/MegonMcDonoughHerWay.

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