HUNTLEY — At the Jan. 11 Village Board meeting, trustees unanimously approved all consent agenda line items including an ordinance that will amend Gross Vehicle Weight Rating Restrictions for traffic on Hennig Road.
According to the Village Board meeting agenda summary for line item 5.8, the Village Board previously approved Ordinance (O) 2022-04.21, which updated truck weight roadway restrictions throughout Huntley. Before the approval of that ordinance, a limited number of roadways had posted weight restrictions, with the remaining roadways being labeled as “undesignated” or having had a 12,000 pounds or less GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Restriction).
Village staff have noted that Hennig Road was established as an “undesignated” roadway between the southern village limits south of the I-90 Tollway and Sun City Boulevard. Due to that, there have been several instances where trucks have been observed traveling to and from the commercial buildings in the area and through the residential neighborhood in Hampshire, south of the tollway.
Because of those observations, village staff proposed an amendment be made to the truck weight ordinance that would limit the “undesignated” portion of the roadway to the area from Sun City Boulevard south to a point approximately 600 feet south of Jim Dhamer Drive to accommodate truck ingress and egress from the nearby commercial facilities.
Additionally, staff indicate that beyond that point to the south end of village limits, the weight limit would be 26,000 pounds to prohibit trucks from traveling through the residential neighborhood.
The goal of the amendment would be to address traffic flow and safety on Hennig Road to prohibit trucks from traveling through the residential neighborhood to the south.
Following the approval of the amendment, Huntley’s Public Works Department will be authorized and directed to provide for the installation of appropriate signage on village roadways, subject to the vehicle weight under the amended ordinance.
The signs will include language stating the following: “No Trucks Except Local Delivery;” and/or “26,000-pound Gross Vehicle Weight Limit,” or “13 tons” as applicable.