St.Patrick’s Day is just a few weeks away! March 17th, to be exact. There is so much to do! Shop, eat, and learn some fun facts along the way this St. Patrick’s Day!
Fun fact and activity #1:
One belief “for the sea of green you see every St. Patrick’s Day” according to The Daily Meal, “revolves around Saint Patrick himself … many works of art depict Saint Patrick [holding] a sprig of shamrocks.” Also, the color green “still remains as one of three colors in the Irish flag.” To celebrate, there is a restaurant and grocery store chain called ‘The Corned Beef Factory’. Check out their many locations via their website: Looking for a sweet treat? Don’t let McDonald’s “Shamrock Shakes” pass you by!
Fun fact and activity #2:
According to Go To, “over 10% of the Irish population is indeed redheaded, auburn or Venetian blond in Ireland. This figure is still behind that of Scotland, which has 13% redheads on board.” Bonus fact: this journalist is a redhead too! Going to a St. Patrick’s Day celebration? Visit a shop in Downtown Long Grove called ‘The Irish Boutique’. Visit their storefront or their website to shop fashion and more here:
Fun fact and activity #3:
Don’t want to travel to Chicago this St.Patrick’s Day? There is another option nearby! Join “Mchenry Shamrocks the Fox-River Dying” this year! This takes place “March 16 [at] 10:00am on Riverside Drive”, according to Naturally McHenry County. Check it out here: Up for the adventure? The “Chicago River Dyeing” is also happening on the same day “between State and Columbus” according to Choose Chicago. Check out their website here: