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Sixteen veterans visit and answer Heineman students’ questions on history. (Photo provided)

Sixteen veterans visit and answer Heineman students’ questions on history. (Photo provided)

Bringing history to life

Annual veterans school visit holds meaning for students and Sun Citians

By Christine Such

Todd Ary and Mark Stahl, teachers at Heineman Middle School, sent students outside of the classroom and brought history to life for their students.

Ary said, “We invited veterans from the community, allowing students to interview them and show veterans how much their service is valued.”

Sixteen veterans representing the Army, Marines, Air Force, and Navy branches of service participated in the program.

Stahl said, “We have been doing this about 12 years. Students look forward to this day. They ask questions and afterward compose thank you letters to the veterans.”

The day began at 7:30 a.m., with students eagerly conducting interviews until 11:30 p.m.

Ary Said, “Each veteran did five sessions of interviews with a small group of students, who were genuinely interested in learning from their experiences.”

Douglas Logan, Sun City Resident, said, “The opportunity to be part of the ongoing Heineman Living History program is one that I look forward to every year. Sixteen veterans of all ages from the various branches of our military come together to share our experiences as veterans with 300 students. Each student comes prepared to ask questions as the veterans share stories, photos, uniforms, various pieces of equipment or souvenirs that have been tucked away and saved for just such an occasion. The sometime smiling, sometime amazed looks are priceless. I am proud to be one of three invitees representing the U. S. Marine Corps.

From the warm breakfast welcome by Todd Ary, the lunch made and served by the students and staff and then the thank you letters and photos from each of your students it is a day that all veterans can say; thanks for the very memorable day.

I also participated in the Veterans Day breakfast held at Marlowe Middle School in November. We are grateful for all of the recognition and appreciation for our service to our country.”

Veterans enjoyed the variety of questions, ranging from “What was the most challenging part of your service?” to “How did your military experience shape your life?” These thoughtful inquiries from the students demonstrated their genuine interest in the veterans’ service.

Gil High, a Sun City resident, said, “Of the three school activities where I participate, this is my favorite because the students are always so curious and enthusiastic. I served in the Army twenty years from 1970-1990. My Favorite questions were, ‘What was it like living in another country? Was it hard? What was it like growing up?’”

Joe Scorn, a Sun City Veteran, said, “Personally, I find it an exhilarating experience. I’m proud to be a Marine, and thank the school for allowing me to interact with these children.”

Lunch was provided to the veterans. The meals were prepared by the food class and served by the students. The veterans ended the days with a royal send-off. Students lined up on each side, cheering and applauding the Veterans as they left school.

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