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Fred Joob celebrates his 100th pint donation with cookies, juice, and staff. (Photo provided)

Fred Joob celebrates his 100th pint donation with cookies, juice, and staff. (Photo provided)

Reaching 100th blood donation a proud milestone

By Christine Such

Fred Joob, a regular blood donor, was recognized on Monday, June 17, for his blood donations. Joob first started donating blood in 1990. He vividly remembers the moment that sparked his commitment. “I belonged to a church in Chicago. A parish member, a young girl, Emily, had tumors around her heart. I started donating palettes. I got in the habit of donating. I kept on donating every six weeks.”

Today, Joob is a 100-pint blood donor, an accolade he reached. 

“I had originally had an appointment the week before but had to reschedule. The staff seemed a little disappointed that I was rescheduling. I thought I was in the 90 range for the blood donations. I had no idea this would be the 100 pint of blood I donated.”

Over the past four decades, Joob’s selfless act has been instrumental in saving countless lives. His regular contributions have been a beacon of hope for those in dire need of a blood transfusion. Joob, from the very beginning, understood the significance of his actions and the lives he was touching.  

“I’m proud of so many things that I’ve been able to accomplish in my life, but honestly, reaching this milestone is among the top things I’m most proud of. It’s easy to do; it doesn’t take long,” Joob said.

Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs a blood transfusion. A single-car accident victim may require as many as 100 pints of blood. The process of blood donation is simple and safe, and it can save lives in emergency situations. Unfortunately, blood products cannot be manufactured or stockpiled; blood donations only come from the generosity of blood donors.

Showing a sense of humor, Joob said, “I do it for the free juice and cookies. I only get those treats when I donate. The treats you get after each donation are a bonus.”

Job said, “The staff at Vitalant Blood Donation in Crystal Lake are wonderful. I have known one of the staff members, Monica, for a long time. She was at the Arlington Heights location that I had to before.  On Monday, I was sitting at the table enjoying my cookies and juice when the staff surprised me with the balloons and the certificate recognized by milestone. I did not realize this was the 100th pint.”

Knowing the impacts blood donations can make, Joob encourages others to get out and donate, too.

“It’s a fantastic way to contribute,” he said.

Every day in the U.S., Patients in hospitals, surgical centers, and emergency treatment facilities need approximately 30,000 units of red blood cells, 6,000 units of platelets, 6,000 units of plasma.

The Vitalant Blood Donation in Crystal Lake is located at 5150 Northwest Highway. You can make an appointment online or call 877-258-4825.

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