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Sun City in Huntley
A gorilla in its enclosure at the Brookfield Zoo. (Photo by Mike Giltner/My Sun Day News)

A gorilla in its enclosure at the Brookfield Zoo. (Photo by Mike Giltner/My Sun Day News)

Lions, tigers, and bears… and gorillas… and the Brookfield Zoo

By Michael and Eileen Giltner

A gorilla in its enclosure at the Brookfield Zoo. (Photo by Mike Giltner/My Sun Day News)

A gorilla in its enclosure at the Brookfield Zoo. (Photo by Mike Giltner/My Sun Day News)

We were thrilled when we found out our granddaughter (13) would be able to visit for a week this summer. Then the panic set in! What do we do to keep her entertained for a week? Not that she wouldn’t enjoy just visiting, but a week is a long time for a teenager. The quest was double-hard since she had just finished a two-week vacation with her parents in Europe. She had spent days in London, Venice, Rome, and Lisbon. A high barrier to overcome but we knew we could find something. After multiple suggestions, we decided on the zoo, but not just any zoo, Brookfield Zoo. We realized we had not been there in over 10 years and it surely had changed but that didn’t matter. It was at the top of our list. Now what would be the best day?

The week she was to visit, there were two music venues in Huntly and we knew she would like them, so Tuesday and Thursday were accounted for. We had personal business on Wednesday and her parents were arriving on Friday, so it was zoo day on Monday.

We were advised to purchase any tickets in advance and get there early, so I went online and purchased entrance and parking tickets. First problem: the receipt I got via email was accurate but wasn’t exactly what I needed for entrance. Unfortunately, we only learned about it when we arrived at the zoo. It turns out you needed the barcode version of the tickets which we were quickly able to get at guest service. Fortunately, we could also get the tram tickets at the same time, which weren’t available online.

The tram service in Brookfield has changed. It used to be a hop-on, hop-off but now is a 30-minute circuit trip. As we recommend for travel to any foreign city, take the local bus tour to get acquainted with the environment. The same applies to Brookfield even if you’ve been there recently – things change. The west end is presently off-limits due to construction.

A sleepy koala rests in its enclosure.

A sleepy koala rests in its enclosure. (Photo provided)

We also wanted to make sure we saw the new Koala exhibit. It was free but most of the other major attractions required additional tickets. We asked about the dolphin show, but she said no. She had been to one recently and had even participated as part of the show: feeding, directing, and petting the dolphin. We followed an employee to the giraffe pen as it was feeding time. She declined because she, at her very mature age, realized the price was too high. We would have paid but she said “no.” One large leaf of Romaine lettuce to feed the giraffe was $15. Better to wait until the fall and feed the ones at Goebbert’s Pumpkin Farm for far less!

One major fact we learned about the giraffes. Who would you think had more neck bones, them or humans? Turns out, we both have the same number but theirs, of course, are larger.

So, what were the highlights of the day? We entered via the North entrance and started at the Australian animal exhibits; everything but the koalas. Next, it was the African savannah and gorillas. We stopped for lunch and planned to spend the majority of the afternoon in buildings with air conditioning. While the heat wasn’t oppressive, the humidity was and any air conditioning would be a welcome treat. Then it was time for the koalas. There was a line snaking outside and we had to wait before we could enter. They had a special exhibit area for them as soon as you entered the building and one of the koalas was sitting in a tree toward the front, sleeping.

E leen Giltner (left) and her granddaughter Lorraine take a quick selfie on their outing to Brookfield Zoo. (Photo provided)

E leen Giltner (left) and her granddaughter Lorraine take a quick selfie on their outing to Brookfield Zoo. (Photo provided)

As we walked the zoo, animals and birds were strolling along with us. Chipmunks scampered under our feet in many areas and near the koalas; peacocks, peahens, and guinea fowl roamed freely. The lagoon showcased pink flamingos, swans, and large geese. The large animal string of enclosures held our title animals: lions, tigers, and bears.

Overall, it was a fun but tiring day. My granddaughter said it was great and fell asleep in the car as soon as we got on the freeway heading home, so I called it a “success.”


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