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Political Place: July 25, 2024

By My Sunday News

Ironically Gail Talbot writes, “We cannot control lies.” Actually, we can control lies by refusing to spread them regardless of emotional resentment toward a person. Gail shows contempt and scorn for President Trump. She continues her attack on Trump by reciting the leftwing media fabrications. “He speaks of gloom and doom, of hate and vengeance, etc. Interestingly; Trump continually recites MAGA, which stands for Make America Great Again. His rallies are upbeat and forward-looking for our country. Unlike Biden’s negative “Hate Orangeman” Trump is Hitler” vibe, Trump has the country’s welfare in mind, not a political party like his opponent does.

She further writes about an “untrue statement” for which Trump stated “a line of Chinese …coming in from Mexico.” Thousands of Chinese have entered the United States in the past few years, many legally, many others illegally. There is nothing false about that statement. Research shows that China is our most worrisome adversary. Our universities and research laboratories are filled with Chinese Nationals directly affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party. Trump is looking out for America’s future, unlike others who have received financial support from these very same adversaries.

She calls Trump a sexual predator. I assume because he was accused of assaulting a woman over two decades ago, in a very busy department store in midafternoon with no police report, no store report, and no witnesses. He was also accused of having a voluntary tryst with a porn star who accepted a contractual agreed sum of money to remain silent.

Remember Presidents Kennedy, Clinton, and Biden. A diary authored by U.S. President Joe Biden’s daughter, Ashley Biden, describes showers taken with her father when she was a child as “probably not appropriate,” as per an FBI investigation.

Gail described Trump as a” failed businessman.” I say that I would be so happy to be so failed at business as Trump has been.

Gail declares Trump is a convicted felon: Let’s review the facts, the prosecutor unexpectedly resigned from the prestigious federal position to become the lead prosecutor in New York, a noted demotion. The statute of limitations had long expired on the charges Trump was finally charged with. The judge was a democratic contributor and his daughter raised funds for the democratic party. The stellar government witnesses were a woman who had sex for money and videotaped it. The second star witness was a convicted felon who served penitentiary time and was a disbarred attorney that resulted from his lying to Congress. Campaign contribution spending, the crux of the trial, was largely ignored. A leading national expert on election law, whom the Trump Defense team attempted to call as a witness, was denied by the judge.

Trump is not a fifty-year politician and doesn’t have the knack for political speak. He is a businessman and this country is a large business. Gail and other Trump haters cannot see past the media’s biases and prejudices. She reads the by-lines and fails to do her due diligence and research on her own. She summarizes her opinion of Trump based on what she’s fed by the left-leaning media of which 93 percent of all media coverage of Donald Trump is negative, a statistical anomaly.

My advice to Gail and her like-minded company is to ignore to media hype and look at accomplishments. Trump has done a remarkable job of running the United States government.

Larry Casey
Sun City resident

Since CNN did not bother to fact check the Presidential debate, I am compelled to comment about Candidate Trump’s misinformation about tariffs. I can’t speak to Mr. Trump’s education or business experience with international trade. I have worked for a couple of companies that imported significant amounts of product.

To claim that China will pay the tariffs on goods exported to the US is just plain wrong. US Customs assesses tariffs at the port of entry and invoices the importer of record. The US firm that buys the goods sees the tariffs as part of its cost. All costs are considered in pricing decisions. Eventually the US consumer pays the higher tariff.

A corollary of the law of demand is that a higher price means a lower quantity demanded. Consumers either can’t afford or don’t want to buy as much product because if the higher price.

Mr. Trump also ignores the reaction of our trading partners to higher tariffs. When we raise tariffs so do other countries in retaliation. He should listen to the farmers who saw exports of soybeans and pork to China fall. China increased tariffs on those goods after the Trump administration raised tariffs on goods we import from China.

So, what do higher tariffs do? They result in higher prices to our consumers, and higher prices for consumers in other countries. Economists call that reduction in trade a dead weight loss. Do it enough and you can make a recession or even a depression.

I invite people to fact check me by Googling Smoot-Hawley Tariff of 1930. No, you can’t win trade wars. Ultimately, both sides lose.

George Ciesla
Sun City resident

In total agreement with Gail Talbot’s letter may I add a partial list of Trump’s former cabinet members who considered him unfit to be re-elected:

Mike Pence, General Jim Mattis, Mark Esper, General John Kelly, John Bolton, General H.R. McMaster, General Mark Miley, Elaine Chao, and Betsy Devos.

In addition, a few Republican senators who have changed their minds after Trump added them to the short list for his V.P list.

What happened to our Republican Party when they will back an unending liar and convicted felon? In addition we have a Supreme Court Justice’s wife who was involved in the attempt to overthrow the last election and another who would fly the American flag upside down!

I am U.S. army veteran and could never vote for a convicted felon who called the brave buried at Normandy “suckers

Time to make America kind again and that certainly couldn’t include Trump!

Glenn Hoffman
Sun City resident

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