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Calling on line one: asking for reassurance

By My Sunday News

I hate that one of my kids is struggling with clinical depression. I really do. It shouldnā€™t come as a surprise, since my familyā€™s DNA is a rich broth of bad eyesight, crooked teeth, questionable hearing, and clinical depression. Going back several generations, the old black-and-white family portraits of my ancestors depict stern, thin-lipped farm folk in uncomfortably tight clothing and eyes cast downward. I know these photographs came before the age of ā€œSay cheese!ā€ but these earnest, hardworking relatives donā€™t exactly look like theyā€™d be the life of the party.

Having been through the depressed mental wringer for most of my life, Iā€™ve finally reached an age where depression no longer controls me. Let me be clear: itā€™s not gone, but the power dynamic shifted somewhere in my 40s ā€” yes, it took that long ā€” as a result of therapy, medicine, and a whole lot of trial by error. Still, this doesnā€™t make me feel especially qualified to help others. When it comes to my kids, though, I have to at least try. I owe them that.

ā€œMom, Iā€™m calling you for some reassurance.ā€

The thin voice at the other end of the call is my son, living two states away, doing his best to navigate his way through a college degree while fighting against a nasty depressive episode. Itā€™s been trying its damnedest to keep him down.

Iā€™ve been keeping tabs on him: sending him photos or funny videos in the mornings, texting words of encouragement, or sometimes talking on the phone before bed. I can usually tell within the first few seconds of hearing his voice how heā€™s feeling. Depression has a way of flattening the voice and extinguishing the sparkle in oneā€™s eyes. I know heā€™s been in touch with his doctor, and that they have a plan underway to get him feeling better. But these things take time.

The worst thing about depression ā€” one of the worst ā€” is the way it tricks your brain into thinking you arenā€™t good enough, smart enough, disciplined enough, or even loveable enough. While this private beatdown is happening inside your head, youā€™re walking around with not so much as a limp or a rash to signal to the outside world that you are suffering. Instead, your behavior can easily be misconstrued by others as laziness, stand-offishness, or even antisocial.

I can reassure him that he is smart, capable, and a wonderful friend and brother. I can reassure that how he feels today will not last forever; itā€™s temporary. He wonā€™t believe me, but Iā€™ll say it anyway. I want him to know that none of this is his fault ā€” genetics can be both a blessing and a curse ā€” and yes, this is really difficult and unfair. No one should feel this way.

Thank goodness my son didnā€™t call me asking for answers ā€” I donā€™t have any of those hidden in my pocket. But reassurance? Yes, I can give him that. I can tell him about some of my very dark days. He witnessed many of them: throughout his childhood, there were days when Mommy couldnā€™t stop crying or could barely get out of bed. I hope some of those memories are hazy at best. Childhood memories can be mercifully spotty. Days like these are so hard, a lot like trudging through waist-deep mud. But we can review the things he has the power to do: write in a journal, prioritize good food and sleep, and stay connected to a trusted medical professional. Oh, also: call Mom for reassurance. I will always answer that call.

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