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Political Place: October 17, 2024

By My Sunday News

It’s alarming to witness the overwhelming uniformity in coverage from major news outlets. ABC, CBS, and NBC reports on Kamala Harris with 84% positivity, while Donald Trump faces a staggering 89% negativity. This orchestrated narrative is why many Americans distrust the media—it’s blatant manipulation.

**BORDER:** Under Trump, there were 2.6 million illegal crossings in four years. In stark contrast, Biden and Harris have overseen over 10 million and growing, all under the same laws. The recent border bill was not about security; it aimed to expedite the influx of illegals, potentially guaranteeing 1.8 million each year.

**ABORTION:** This issue is now left to the states, a hallmark of democracy. The “my body, my choice” mantra rings hollow for those who lost their jobs due to vaccine mandates.

**TRUMP’S CHARACTER:** Let’s not forget Bill Clinton’s scandals, including Gennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinsky. How quickly we overlook the past!

**ISRAEL:** The Democratic Party has shifted to a pro-Hamas stance, undermining Israel’s right to defend itself. Biden’s reluctance to fully support Israel only prolongs the conflict.

**SAVING DEMOCRACY:** The claim of protecting democracy is a farce. The Democrats held a primary that excluded anyone opposing Joe Biden. In 2020, Biden’s cognitive struggles were downplayed by mainstream media until they became undeniable during debates in 2024. If he’s too incompetent to run, how is he leading the country? Where did Kamala get 1 vote from the people for the presidential nominee?

**MAINSTREAM MEDIA LIES:** We were told COVID originated from a wet market and that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation. We were assured vaccines would stop the spread, yet cases surged. The media fails to ask critical questions about recent scandals, choosing instead to cover for the Democratic Party.

It’s disheartening to predict that Harris may win through manipulated media narratives. Her ascension, backed by the media’s endorsement, could lead to widespread censorship, economic collapse, and a significant erosion of our freedoms. Even more troubling is her background — her father is a Marxist economist professor. Can we really trust her?

Wake up.

Gary Turczak
Sun City resident

Here are two questions to be seriously considered before voting.

Without being led by what the media is telling you, and using your common sense.

Are you and your family better off now than you were during President Trump’s administration? Most of us are not.

What about Russia, China, Korea, and Iran. Are they better off now than during President Trump’s administration? All of them are.

President Putin is endorsing Kamala Harris, and the Iranian regime is attempting to take President Trump’s life. They know Vice-President Harris is erratic and weak, and that she offers no obstacles against their continued efforts against the United States and our allies. They dared not initiate their acts of aggression during President Trump’s administration, and they won’t continue once he is back in office.

Eileen Gurbal-Arreguin
Sun City Resident

Across our country Republican legislatures and organizations are filing lawsuits and making new laws to make voting difficult. Think about that for a moment. Why would any political party want people not to be able to exercise their vote? Even across Illinois we see signs, huge signs, put up on farming equipment and posters along our roads advertising the names of Republicans. They have been up for a month, or longer, and there is still a month before election day, November 5th. What are they afraid of?

If a political party offers policies that adhered to our great American values and the will of its people, as expressed by the polls on what people want from their government, then there should be no fear. Every American citizen should be allowed to vote. Regardless of where they reside, within our American boarders, or stationed in the military across the world, or are temporarily living somewhere outside of our boarders. America must allow every American their right to vote.

If you have not yet voted in McHenry or Kane counties, these are important dates: Sept 26, mail-in ballots went out and should be returned ASAP; Oct 20, Last day to register on IL St Bd of Elections website; Oct 21, Polling locations avail for Early Voting (see locations online); Oct 31, Last day for county clerk to receive mailed in ballots; Nov 4, Last day of Early Voting at all sites; and Nov 5 Election at the polls from 6am-7pm.

Your vote is your strongest weapon against allowing our country to become a dictatorship. VOTE

Gail Talbot
Sun City resident

There are always three sides to any issue: theirs, ours, and the TRUTH. Sorting this out in an election year is not easy, but it can be less problematic if the facts are made clear. It is a fact that Vice-President Harris very often and very vigorously maintained President Biden’s mental acuity to be unflawed and his physical health unbounded. It is a fact that Vice-President Harris repeatedly assured the citizens of the United States that their border was secure. The truth has come to light on both issues, and cannot be set aside. These are just two of the matters where her lack of honesty are clear and undeniable testaments to Vice-President Harris’ lack of respect for the truth as well as her lack of respect for the ability of voters to hold her accountable.

People may not like the way he sometimes presents himself, but President Trump is an honest man who loves the United States. He is called a “liar” by the media, but credible facts are lacking. He has too often had to deny any involvement in Project 2025, and, yet the lie continues. The resurfacing of foreign dis/misinformation claims have been proven to be examples of verified election interference.

I pray that voters will ignore the media version of TRUTH, look at the leadership record of both candidates, and VOTE.

Eileen Gurbal-Arreguin
Sun City resident

George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison all resented having to have a party affiliation to run for office. One of the reasons for the distaste for this political structure was because they believed that over time it could cause the members of a party to become more loyal to the party and whatever goals it developed than to the new country’s magnificent constitution. It is impossible not to admire how wise these men were, because what they feared could happen, has in fact happened.

Here are some examples: I have lifelong friends who are loyal Democrats no matter what that party does to their country. When I ask them, for example, whether the Democrat administration not enforcing immigration laws they took an oath to enforce was okay, none thought it mattered. When asked if the Democrats allowing fifteen million illegal aliens to invade our country causing enormous damage and expense for our citizens for decades to come, was still the party that deserved their loyalty, they all agreed it was a terrible mistake but they are still Democrats. When I told them all this damage to the country was done to change the voter demographics to keep the Democrats in power permanently, that did actually seem to matter to them. I went on to warn them that if their party wins the election, it will double down on the open border policy regardless of what they are saying before the election. The Democrat’s objective is to eliminate the Republican party and have one party rule. Their continuous persecution in the form of bogus prosecutions of the Republican candidate, Donald Trump, is a part of this plan. While they falsely claim that Republicans are a threat to democracy, there can be no democracy with one party rule. If you support them in their Marxist, one party goal, your loyalty to the Democrat party is misplaced, if you believe in our constitution.

Asking them if they had enough of the party’s radical left pushing the immoral, demented, evil, WOKE goofiness–much of which is directed at children–all agreed that the WOKE insanity was damaging to children and everyone else.

I still like these people and value their friendship. I pray that, at some point, they begin to realize their party loyalty needs to be more closely evaluated, hopefully, before they cast their vote. I believe a huge part of their misplaced loyalty is because they are only exposed to the “Main Street” media which has become extremely biased. They simply do not hear or see what is really happening to the country and how seriously their party has gone off the rails. Kamala Harris will not tell us before the election what she really intends to do to us. Have you noticed how she has flipped on so many issues that she now seems to be running on Donald Trump’s agenda? She is trying to win your vote with empty platitudes, i.e., she’s the candidate of “joy.” If she is elected there will not be much joy in the lives of most Americans.

After watching how and for what reasons we choose our presidents, it seems that personality, while important, should not be the priority. What we must focus on is competence and common sense if we are going to remain independent, strong, and prosperous. At this point in time the only candidate who has proven he is competent and has common sense, is Donald Trump.

Finally, I have asked myself, what would I do if my party had come off the rails and no longer supported our great American constitution? Since I would never put party loyalty ahead of loyalty to my country’s constitution, I would have to find another party.

Vincent A. Froberg
Sun City resident

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